MIDI Solutions F8 8-input MIDI Footswitch Controller User Manual

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The F8 is programmed by sending it MIDI System Exclusive programming commands from a computer with a MIDI
interface. These commands are described on the MIDI Solutions website, however

Upon receipt of a programming command, the F8's MIDI indicator LED flashes rapidly for about one second to
indicate that the setting has been stored. Ensure that the LED completes its flashing after receiving a programming
command before sending another programming command (the Programming Tools software automatically inserts
these delays). Settings are retained after power is removed, and the unit can then be inserted wherever it is required
in your MIDI setup.

Ensure that the footswitches are connected to the F8 before it is powered up as their polarities are stored at this time
(if auto-polarity is selected). The F8's MIDI Indicator LED will light as soon as the sending device is turned on, and
flashes whenever MIDI data passes through the unit. Depressing the footswitches causes the F8 to perform its
programmed functions.

To clear all of the F8's settings, send it the following System Exclusive programming command:

It is recommended to send the Clear Settings command to the F8 prior to programming the unit to ensure that all
previous settings are cleared.

The following Device Parameters are in effect regardless of the functions that each of the footswitch inputs have been
programmed to perform.

When Echo is ON, all incoming MIDI messages received by the F8 are echoed to its MIDI output. When Echo

is OFF, only the messages generated by the F8 are sent to its MIDI output.

The F8 can be programmed to send the state of all footswitch inputs on power-up.

When the Toggle parameter is OFF for a particular footswitch, the footswitch performs the

when it is

and the

when it is

When Toggle is ON, the footswitch toggles

between the

and the

each time the footswitch is depressed (nothing is done on

release of the footswitch).

When Auto Polarity is ON for a footswitch, the F8 determines the polarity of the footswitch

based on its power-up state. When Auto Polarity is OFF, the polarity is forced according to the Polarity settings.

The F8 can wait until the beginning of the next bar to perform the footswitch action.

The Debounce Time specifies the length of time after a footswitch changes state before a new

change of state is allowed to occur.

To program these parameters, send the F8 the following System Exclusive programming commands:


is optional)

= Footswitch Input (00 for Fsw1 ... 07 for Fsw8)

= 00: Echo OFF

= 01: Echo ON

is optional, If

= 01 the F8 will send the state of each footswitch on power-up.

the Programming Tools

software creates these commands automatically (see

F0 00 00 50 24 00 00 F7 (all values in Hexadecimal)


Send State on Power-up:


Footswitch Polarity:

Wait for Next Bar:

Debounce Time:

F0 00 00 50 24 00 01 aa (bb) F7









depress operation


release operation


depress operation

release operation