Make Noise MATHS Classic User Manual

Page 7

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More Patch Ideas

281 “Quadrature Mode” (West Coast Swirly Bird)
In this patch, CH. 1,4 work in tandem to provide functions shifted by ninety degrees. With both Cycle
Switches UN-ENGAGED, Patch End of Rise (CH. 1) to Trigger IN CH. 4. Patch End of Cycle (CH. 4)
to Trigger IN CH. 1. If both CH.1 and 4 do not begin cycling, engage CH. 1 Cycle Briefly. With both
channels cycling, apply their respective Signal OUTputs to two different modulation destinations, for
example two channels of the QMMG.

VC LAG/ Slew Processor
A signal applied to the Signal IN, is slewed according to the RISE and FALL parameters. Variable
response from Log thru Linear to Exponential, is as set by the Vari-Response panel Control. The
resulting function may be further processed with attenuation and/ or inversion by the Scale/ Inversion
Panel Control.

East Coast Portamento
Set CH. 1 Rise and Fall to NOON, Vari-Response to Full CCW. Patch CH. 1 Signal OUT (top row) to
CH. 2 Signal IN, set CH. 2 Scale to Full CCW, patch SUM OUT to CH. 1 BOTH Control IN. Set CH. 3
Scale panel control to NOON. Patch CV to be slewed into an Obie like portamento to CH. 1 Signal IN.
Take output from CH. 1 Signal OUT, bottom row. In this patch CH. 2 Scale panel control will set the
extremeness of the LOG response, Full CCW being the most extreme. CH. 3 Scale panel control will
set rate of the portamento, CW being faster and CCW being slower. If you wanted to get even fancier,
you could patch the mod-wheel from your CV Keyboard (or Press CV from Pressure Points) to CH. 4
Signal IN, and use mod-wheel or Pressure to influence and control the portamento rate (just be sure
nothing is patched to CH. 4 OUT, top row, so that the signal is sent to the SUM BUSS, and if you use
CH. 4 for something else, be sure to utilize the TOP Row output to break the normalization.

Arcade Trill
Set CH. 4 Rise and Fall to NOON, scale/ Inversion to 9 o'clock. Patch EOC to CH. 1 Trigger IN. Patch
CH. 4 Signal OUT to CH. 1 Both IN. Set CH. 1 Rise to NOON, Fall to full CCW. Engage CH. 4 Cycle
switch. Apply Signal OUT CH. 1 to modulation destination. CH. 4 Scale/ Inversion, Rise and Vari-
Rsponse Parameters vary trill.

Chaotic Trill (requires QMMG or other Direct Coupled LP filter)
Begin with Arcade Trill patch. Apply MATHS CH. 1 Signal OUT to MATHS CH. 2, setting Scale/
Inversion to 1 o'clock. Apply CH. 2 Signal OUT QMMG CH. 1 Control IN. Patch EOR to to QMMG
CH. 1 Signal IN, set to LP mode, no feedback, starting with Offset at full CCW. Apply QMMG CH. 1
Signal OUTput to MATHS CH. 4 Both IN. QMMG Offset and MATHS CH. 2 Scale/ Inversion panel
controls will be of interest.

Independent Contours
By processing the Signal OUT of CH. 1, 4 with CH. 2,3 and feeding that signal back into CH. 1, 4 at
RISE or FALL Control IN, independent control of the corresponding slope is achieved. Best to have the
Response panel control set to NOON.

Bouncing Ball (requires QMMG or Dual VCA)
Apply same trigger or Gate to CH. 1 CH. 4 Trigger IN. Set Rise to full CCW and Fall to 3 o'clock,
Scale/ Inversion to full CW. Patch CH. 1 Signal OUT to CH. 2 Signal IN. Set Ch. 2 Scale/ Inversion to
10 o'clock. Apply CH. 2 signal out to CH. 4 Both IN. Set CH. 4 Rise full CCW, Fall set to NOON, Scale/
Inversion to Full CW and engage Cycle Switch. Patch CH. 4 Signal out to QMMG CH. 1 Signal IN.
Patch MATHS CH. 1 Signal OUT Multiple to QMMG CH. 1 Control Signal IN. Set QMMG CH. 1 Offset
to full CCW, Feedback to 9 o'clock, set mode to VCA. Apply Signal to be bounced to QMMG CH. 2
Signal IN where Offset is set to full CCW and feedback is set to 9 o'clock, mode is Both. Patch QMMG
CH. 1 Signal OUT to QMMG CH. 2 Control Signal IN. Monitor QMMG CH. 2 Signal OUT. MATHS Vari-
Response panel controls will act as a sort of Gravity parameter, where both should be set similar and
more Logarithmic response will be less gravity. MATHS CH. 1 Fall parameter is a sort of Restitution
control. Increasing Fall parameter means the ball will bounce more times. Shorter Falls times will bring
fewer bounces. Setting Fall to before NOON will result in no bouncing. High Gravity settings combined
with fewer bounces yields a reverb like sound effect with QMMG.