Make Noise MATHS Classic User Manual

Page 4

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Patch Ideas

Voltage Controlled Transient Generator (Attack/ Decay EG)
A pulse or gate applied to the Trigger IN of CH. 1 or 4 will start the transient function which rises from 0V to 10V at
a rate determined by the Rise parameter and then Falls from 10V to 0V at a rate determined by the Fall parameter.
This function is re-trigger-able during the Falling portion. Rise and Fall are independently voltage controllable, with
variable response from Log thru Linear to Exponential, as set by the Vari-Response panel Control. The resulting
function may be further processed with attenuation and/ or inversion by the Scale/ Inversion Panel Control.

Voltage Controlled Sustained Function Generator (A/S/R EG)
A gate applied to the Signal IN of CH. 1 or 4 will start the function which rises from 0V to the level of the applied
Gate, at a rate determined by the Rise parameter, Sustains at that level until the Gate signal ends, and then Falls
from that level to 0V at a rate determined by the Fall parameter. Rise and Fall are independently voltage
controllable, with variable response as set by the Vari-Response panel Control. The resulting function may be
further processed with attenuation and/ or inversion by the Scale/ Inversion Panel Control.

Typical Voltage Controlled Triangle Function
Set CH. 1 (or 4) to self Cycle. Set Rise and Fall Panel Control to NOON. Apply desired modulation to CH. 3 Signal
Input. Set CH. 2 Scale/ Inversion Panel Control to NOON. Apply Voltage Offset and modulation as SUMmed, by
patching SUM OUT to Both Control Input. CH. 2 Scale/ Inversion will set Frequency. OUTput is taken from Signal
OUT of associated channel. Setting Rise and Fall parameters further CW will provide longer cycles. Setting these
parameters further CCW will provide short cycles, up to audio rate. The resulting function may be further
processed with attenuation and/ or inversion by the Scale/ Inversion Panel Control.

Typical Voltage Controlled Ramp Function
As above, only the Rise parameter is set FULL CCW, Fall parameter is set to at least NOON.

Typical Voltage Controlled Pulse
Same as above, only the OUTput is taken from EOC or EOR. CH. 1, Rise parameter will more effectively adjust
frequency, and CH. 1 Fall parameter will adjust pulse width. With CH. 4, the opposite is true where Rise adjust
more effectively Width and Fall adjust frequency. In both channels all adjustment to Rise and Fall parameters will
affect frequency.

Voltage Controlled ADSR (East Coast Envelope done West Coast style)
Apply Gate signal to CH.1 Signal In. Set CH. 1 Scale/ Inversion Panel Control to less then Full CW. Patch CH. 1
End of Rise to CH. 4 Trigger IN. Set CH. 4 Scale Inversion Panel Control to Full CW. Take OUTput from OR bus
OUT, being sure that CH. 2,3 are set to NOON if not in use. In this patch CH. 1 and 4 Rise will control the Attack
Time. For typical ADSR adjust these parameters to be similar (Setting CH. 1 Rise to be longer then CH. 4 will or
vice-versa, will produce two attack stages). CH. 4 Fall parameter will adjust the Decay stage of the envelope. CH.
1 Scale/ Inversion Panel Control will set the Sustain level, which MUST be lower then that same parameter on CH.
4. Finally CH. 1 Fall will set the Release Time.

Voltage Comparator/ Gate Extraction w/ variable width
Apply signal to be comparated to CH. 2 Signal IN. Patch CH. 2 OUT to CH. 1 Signal IN. Set CH. 1 Rise and Fall to
full CCW. Take extracted Gate from EOR. CH. 2 Scale/ Inversion acts as the Threshhold setting, applicable values
being between NOON and Full CW. Values closer to NOON will be HIGHER thresholds. Setting the Rise times
CW, you will be able to Delay the derived gate. Setting Fall times CW you will vary the width of the derived Gate.
Use CH. 4 for Envelope Follower, and CH. 2 & 1 for Gate extraction, and you have a very powerful patch for
external signal processing.

Gate Controlled CYCLE
Apply Gate to CH. 2, set CH. 2 Scale control to 3 o' clock. Patch CH. 1 EoR to CH. 3 and set Scale control to Full
CW. Using mult or stack-cable, patch OR OUT to both CH. 1 & 4 Trigger IN. Take output form CH. 4 Signal OUT
multiple (bottom row). Patch dumby cable to CH. 1 Signal OUT (top row), or use this signal else where in the
patch. CH. 1 Rise controls the trigger delay time. CH. 4 Fall must always be shorter then CH. 1 Fall. The Response
knob acts as a fine tune for timing lengths as well as setting the shape. Pathc will CYCLE so long as Gate is HIGH.
Special thanx to Don Kim for this patch idea.

Toggled Delayed CYCLING
This is the patch that from which my idea for the above Gate Controlled CYCLE patch originated. Set up the above
patch but take the SUM OUT and mult to both CH. 1 & 4 Trigger IN. instead of the OR OUT. Gate must be longer in
duratation then the CYCLE time as set by Rise and Fall of CH. 1 and CH. 4. This patch works great with Pressure
Points, utilizing on of Gate OUTs on that module. Special thanx to Don Kim for this very unique patch idea.
Envelope Follower
Apply Signal to be followed to Signal IN CH. 1 or 4. Set Rise to NOON. Set and or modulate FALL Time to achieve
different responses. Take output from associated channel Signal OUT for positive and negative Peak Detection.
Take output from OR buss OUT to achieve more typical Positive ONLY Envelope Follower function. If gain is
needed, pathc signal to CH. 2 or 3, and set Scale/ Inversion to full CW. Take output from associated channel OUT.