Make Noise Function User Manual
Page 7

Patch Ideas Analog/ Control Voltages:
Voltage Controlled Transient Generator (Attack/ Decay Envelope) A pulse or gate applied to the Trigger IN
starts the transient function, which rises from 0V to 8V at a rate determined by the Rise parameter, then
Falls from 8V to 0V at a rate determined by the Fall parameter. This function is re-trigger-able during the
falling portion. Rise and Fall are independently voltage controllable, with response as set by the
Vari-Response panel Control.
Voltage Controlled Sustained Function Generator (A/S/R Envelope)
A gate applied to the Signal IN starts the function which rises from 0V to the level of the applied Gate at a
rate determined by the Rise parameter. The function Sustains at that level until the Gate signal ends, then
Falls from that level to 0V at a rate determined by the Fall parameter. Rise and Fall are independently
voltage controllable, with variable response as set by the Vari-Response panel Control.
Typical Voltage Controlled Triangle Function (LFO)
Push Cycle Button. Cycle LED lights. Set Rise and Fall Panel Control to NOON. Apply desired modulation to
BOTH CV input. Setting Rise and Fall parameters further CW will provide longer cycles. Setting these
parameters further CCW will provide short cycles, up to audio rate. The shape of the resulting function may
be varied from LOG to LINEAR to EXPO using the Vari-Response panel control.
Typical Voltage Controlled Ramp Function (LFO)
As above, only the Rise parameter is set FULL CCW, Fall parameter is set to at least NOON. Fall parameter
as well as the BOTH control voltage IN determines the rate.
VC LAG/ Slew Processor/ Portamento
A signal applied to the Signal IN is slewed according to the RISE and FALL parameters. Variable response
from Log through Linear to Exponential, as set by the Vari-Response panel Control. Portamento is
traditionally LOG response. The inverse of the resulting function is available at the Inverted Signal OUT.
Independent Contours (Expo Rise w/ Log Fall and vice versa) Set Vari-Response to Full CCW for Log
response. Patch Inverted OUT to Rise CV IN. This yields Expo Rise with Log Fall for most any function. If
Inverted out is patched to Fall CV IN, Log Rise w/ Expo Fall is achieved. By setting Vari-Response to Linear,
combinations of Linear and Expo or Log are possible.
Envelope Follower Apply Signal to be followed to Signal IN
Set Rise to NOON. Set and or modulate FALL Time to achieve different amounts of Smoothing. Take output
from Non-Inverted Signal OUT. Increasing the Fall Time to beyond 70% will result in the Peaks being held for
long periods of time. EOR and EOC will also indicate activity at the Signal IN. A variation on this patch has
EOR patched to the HANG IN. The Peak is detected and held until user resets (by removing patch cable
from HANG IN).
Multiplication (VCA)
Apply positive going Control Signal to be multiplied to Signal IN. Set Rise and Fall to full CCW. Apply positive
going Control Signal (multiplier) to BOTH Control IN. Take output from Signal OUT.