Make Noise Erbe Verb User Manual
Page 11

Emulating Typical Reverb Rooms :
Note: For all algorithms, Size, PreDelay and Decay settings are given. Small variances in these three controls will alter
the room. Set Speed and Depth to 12:00, and Absorb full CCW, unless otherwise noted, then set Tilt to taste to fit the
sound into the mix. Keep in mind that these are starting points, and many spaces in between are possible by taking
any control out of its comfort zone.
Size: full CCW
PreDelay: full CCW
Decay: 9:00
Absorb: (low-cost oak) 9:00; (luxury) 2:00
Size: 12:00
PreDelay: 12:00
Decay: 12:00
Depth: 12:00
Absorb: 2:00
Size: 1:00
PreDelay: full CCW
Decay: 1:00
Depth: 12:00
Size: 4:00
PreDelay: 11:00
Decay: 2:00
Depth: 2:00 - 3:00
Speed: 12:00 - 3:00
Mix: full CW
Size: full CCW
PreDelay: 3:00 - full CW
Decay: full CCW
Absorb: full CCW
Depth: 12:00
Reverse: ON
Size: 4:00
PreDelay: 11:00
Decay: 2:00
Depth: full CW
Speed: 12:00 - 3:00
Size: 3:00
PreDelay: 11:00
Decay: 1:00
Depth: 1:00
Speed: 11:00
Absorb: 11:00
Size: full CW
PreDelay: full CW
Decay: full CW