6 routing, 1 routing table, 2 static routing – Longshine LCS-IR2114-D User Manual
Page 44: Ip sharing router
IP Sharing Router
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3.6 Routing
Choose menu “Routing”, you can see the submenus under the main menu: Routing Table, Static
Routing, Dynamic Routing.
3.6.1 Routing Table
The routing table displays the current routing information in system.
Routing Table List
It is the address of the network or host that you want to assign to a route
Destination Network IP
It determines which portion of an IP address is the network portion, and
which portion is the host portion
Subnet Mask
This is the IP address of the gateway device that allows for contact between
the router and the network of host.
Gateway IP
3.6.2 Static Routing
A static route is a pre-determined pathway that network information must travel to reach a specific host or
network. (For example: Destination Network IP:, Subnet Mask:, Gateway
Choose menu “Static Routing”, you can configure the static route in the next screen. A static route is a
pre-determined path that network information must travel to reach a specific host or network.