Canon 800II User Manual
Page 25

Chapter 2 Specifying the Scanner Settings
Specifying the Scanner Settings
These settings specify the image processing filters used.
Erase Background
This option is valid when the selected image mode is [Black and White] or [Black
and White-Fine], and automatically erases the background for text, line drawings,
Erase Notch
Automatically erases portions of the image (notches) that overlap the outline.
Compliment Thin Line
Automatically joins faint or broken lines that occur when thin lines or faint docu-
ments are scanned.
Use User Gamma
Check this option to use the gamma data set in the Gamma Settings dialog box
P.31). If gamma data is used, the polarity settings are ignored.
Opens the Add on Settings dialog box (
P.26). Use this dialog box to specify the
settings for the Add on function that imprints text on scanned images.
Opens the Gamma Settings dialog box (
P.31). The Gamma function reads in
and stores the gamma curve data used to modify the settings for representing
colors and halftones. The stored gamma data is valid when the Use User Gamma
option is checked.
Function Key
Opens the Function Key Settings dialog box (
P.33). Use this dialog box to set
the function assignments specified for the function keys on the scanner or on the
optional operation keyboard.
Applies the selected settings and closes the dialog box.
Closes the dialog box without applying the selected settings.
Restores the settings specified at shipment.