Kenton TB-303 User Manual
Page 4

The red push button can be "pressed" via MIDI as MIDI switch number
95 (5Fh) for SET-UP mode or 94 (5Eh) for TRANSPOSE mode.
The selection of the push button is enough, it doesn't matter if it
is being turned on or off.
In hexadecimal BX - 5F - 00 = SET-UP mode
In hexadecimal BX - 5E - 00 = TRANSPOSE mode
Where X is the current MIDI channel. ( n.b. for MIDI channel 1 - X=0 )
[n.b. whilst in set-up/transpose modes the MIDI is in omni on mode]
MIDI IN should be connected to a MIDI OUT or a MIDI THRU
similarly MIDI OUT should be connected only to a MIDI IN
and a MIDI THRU should also be connected only to a MIDI IN.
MIDI OUT is the signal from the synthesiser (or drum machine etc.)
that is to be sent to another instrument. MIDI IN is a received
signal that contains MIDI information from another synth, and MIDI
THRU is an exact copy of information arriving at the MIDI IN socket.
This allows several instruments to be connected together.
If you want to wire your own MIDI cables the following information
may be useful.
1) Although a 5 pin connector is used, only two connections plus an
earth connection are required.
2) If you look at the din plug from the wiring side you will see
that the pins are numbered. From left to right (or clockwise) these
are 1 - 4 - 2 - 5 - 3.
3) The pins numbered 1 & 3 are not used.
4) The screen (earth) is connected to pin 2 (centre pin)
5) Pin 4 of one plug should be connected to pin 4 of the other
6) Pin 5 of one plug should be connected to pin 5 of the other
7) You should now have a working MIDI lead
8) It is preferable to label one end of the cable MIDI IN & the
other end MIDI OUT, to avoid confusion.
Copyright (c) KENTON ELECTRONICS & John Price 1986-1994
Kenton Electronics
12 Tolworth Rise South
TEL 0181 337 0333
FAX 0181 330 1060