Kenton TB-303 User Manual

Kenton Equipment

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Place the Bassline on top of the MIDI unit & plug the D - connector
into the TB303, set both toggle switches on the back of the Bassline
to the down position, set the MIDI switch & power switch on the MIDI
unit to the down position also, and you are ready to go.


When you turn on the MIDI unit for the first time, you will be in
omni-on mode for receive (all channels). When you select a receive
channel or other set-up, this will be stored in non volatile memory
to be recalled when you next turn on the synth - all settings listed
on the next page are stored.

If you want to put the machine back to the factory default settings
at any time, switch the unit on whilst holding the red push button
pressed - hold for a couple of seconds then release.
See next page for factory default settings.

Two modes are available by pushing the red push button.
The keyboard notes required for set-up & transpose modes should be
sent via MIDI from an external keyboard. (DX7/D50 etc. etc.)

1) SET-UP MODE - Setting MIDI channels and assignments.
Give the red push button a short press (half a second) - then release.
Follow this with a note or sequence of notes (on the remote keyboard)
as detailed on page 2. After selecting a channel or other assignment
you will need to press the ENTER key (Top C) to return to playing
mode. (N.B. set-ups are stored in non volatile memory).


Press and hold the red push button for four seconds - then release.
Middle C will sound on the synth and continue to sound until you
press a key (on the remote keyboard). The note that you press will
become the new middle C for MIDI IN. You can set any value up to two
octaves up or down. Settings outside this range will be ignored.
Note that transpose mode cannot be entered from set-up mode.

MIDI SWITCH (on when switch is down)
Connects filter/accent/slide/gate signals to the TB303

FILTER SWITCH (on when switch is down)
Filter can be controlled by velocity, any controller, or aftertouch
by selecting whilst in SET-UP mode. (see above & next page)

ACCENT SWITCH (on when switch is down)
Accent is controllable only by velocity - a velocity of 80 and above
will cause the note to be accented.

Received pitch bend can be adjusted from zero to one octave using
this control.