Kenton TB-303 User Manual

Page 3

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1) Controller X can be any MIDI controller.
After pressing the red push button to enter SET-UP mode,
operate the required MIDI controller before pressing the Bb
key that will assign it. If you do not operate a controller
before pressing the Bb key, then controller X will default
to MIDI controller 4 - (foot controller)

2) Controller X will take priority over other control messages,
so if controller X is the mod wheel, mod wheel messages will
operate the filter.

3) Control change commands recognised - (numbers in decimal)
123 all notes off
124 omni mode off (always poly) 64 sustain pedal
125 omni mode on (always poly) 65 portamento (slide)
126 (mono mode) = all notes off 94 select transpose mode
127 (poly mode) = all notes off 95 select set-up mode
nnn Controller X (user defined where nnn = any controller)

4) Other commands recognised - (numbers in hexadecimal)
8nH notes off 9nH notes on & velocity
BnH control change (see above)
DnH channel pressure (aftertouch) EnH pitch-bend change
FEH active sensing

5) The left switch added to the TB303 - when this switch is
down, the TB303 will draw its power from the MIDI unit.
The right switch added to the TB303 - when this switch is
down, the TB303 will play the incoming MIDI note. (CV switch)

6) The MIDI switch on the MIDI unit - when down the TB303 can be
controlled by MIDI - when up the TB303 is disconnected from
the MIDI unit except for CV and power (switches on TB303)
Thus if the MIDI switch is off & so are the switches on the
TB303, then the TB303 is completely detached (electrically)
from the MIDI unit.

7) If you want to run the TB303 from MIDI sync, you will need to
connect a 5 pin din lead from the sync socket of the MIDI unit
to the sync socket on the TB303. The din socket provides normal
din sync. N.B. A MIDI lead is not suitable for this purpose.

8) The slide facility is turned on & off by MIDI controller 65,
(portamento control)