Kenton Jupiter-6 User Manual

Page 3

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10) When using SET-UP mode or ARPEGGIO DIVIDE RATE mode, it is recommended that you connect the
Jupiter 6 DIRECTLY to the MIDI keyboard that you will use for setting-up. Patch bays and computers can cause
problems when setting up. They do not usually cause problems during normal use - however see next note.

11) When using the Arpeggio clock in conjunction with MIDI please note the following. The Kenton add-on
cannot sync the arpeggio if it isn’t actually receiving the MIDI clock - this is not as silly as it sounds. There are a
few points to watch for:-

a) Some MIDI mergers and patch bays actually remove MIDI clock information from the MIDI data stream.

b) Users of CUBASE note that the default for MIDI clock is for it NOT to be sent, you will have to go into MIDI edit
and switch it on.

c) Users of UNITOR/EXPORT on an Atari note that the MIDI clock will only come out of port A (that is the Atari’s
own MIDI port) unless you can re-assign it