Kenton Jupiter-6 User Manual
Kenton, Electronics, Instructions for midi interface jupiter 6

The Kenton MIDI add-on for the Jupiter 6 provides for MIDI control of the following functions :- Pitchbend,
Modulation wheel, Filter cut-off, Volume, Sustain and Arpeggio sync, (receive only).
The above sets the MIDI channels for the notes and program changes ONLY, the features that the Kenton add-
on gives you have a different procedure for setting the MIDI channel.
When you turn on the synthesiser for the first time, you will be in omni-on mode for receive (all channels). See
page 4 for factory default settings. When you select a receive channel this will be stored in a memory on the
Kenton circuit board and will be recalled when you next turn the synth on. All parameters listed on page 4 are
When you set a MIDI channel (using set-up mode detailed below) the synth will receive on that channel only if it is
in WHOLE mode. If it is in SPLIT mode, it will receive on two channels, the channel set, and the one above it (if
you have set channel 16, the next channel will be 1). The Jupiter 6 will always transmit on channel 1 (or channels
1 and 2 if in split mode).
If you want to put the add-on features back to their factory default settings at any time, switch the synth on whilst
holding the red push button pressed - hold for a couple of seconds then release.
There are 2 modes available from the push-button.
1) SET-UP MODE - Setting MIDI channels and assignments. Give the red push button two short presses (half a
second each) - then release. Follow this with a note or sequence of notes ON THE REMOTE SYNTH as detailed
on the page 4. The keyboard of the Jupiter 6 itself is not used for setting the MIDI add-on. After selecting a
channel you will be automatically returned to playing mode but after making assignments you will need to press
the ENTER key (Top C) to return to playing mode. This is to enable you to make the multiple key presses required
when re-assigning sources to destinations. (N.B. set-ups are stored in non volatile memory).
Press and hold the red push button for four seconds - then release. You will know this has happened because
the synth will play a 3 note chord. The MIDI add-on will wait for you to send it a MIDI note in the range 36-96. The
bottom four octaves are unused and will just exit this mode, but the top few notes (on the remote 61 note
keyboard will set the arpeggio divide.
TOP C [96]
= ENTER (Return to normal playing
B [95]
= Clock normal - no divide (full speed)
Bb [94]
= Clock divided by 2 (half speed)
A [93]
= Clock divided by 4 (quarter speed)
Ab [92]
= Clock divided by 8 (eighth speed)
G [91]
= Set triplet on (can be used with any of above)
You will need to press TOP C (Enter) after any selection. If you want to use Triplet, you will need to set this after
the divide ratio, pressing any of the divide ratios cancels Triplet.