Kenton GPMX-16 User Manual
Page 3
When the required value has been set, either press the mode button again to select another
parameter, or press the edit button again. This will return you to normal operating mode again.
Whenever you return to Parameter mode the settings you have changed will be saved. Settings are
stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory.
Note also that the GPMX-16 will continue to function normally during the edit process, except that the
display will not indicate an activated input. The parameter names below also scroll across the display.
Edit parameters:
P10 ‘GP In Midi transmit channel’ -
select the MIDI transmit channel for all GP Inputs
available values – 1 to 16 – default =1
P11 ‘GP In message type’ -
set the output MIDI message type for all GP Inputs
available values – ‘not’ (notes) , ‘con’ (controllers) or ‘prg (program changes) – default =notes
P12 ‘GP In 1 note number’ -
set the note (or cont or prog) number for GP Input number 1 (2 to
8 follow consecutively) - available values 0 to 120 – default =36
P13 ‘GP In 1-8 off send’ -
set whether MIDI off messages are sent for GP Inputs 1 to 8
available values – yes or no – default =yes (note: program changes do not send off messages)
P14 ‘GP In 9 note number’ -
set the note (or cont or prog) number for GP Input number 9 (10
to 16 follow consecutively) - available values 0 to 120 – default =44
P15 ‘GP In 9-16 off send’ -
set whether MIDI off messages are sent for GP Inputs 9 to 16
available values – yes or no – default =yes (note: program changes do not send off messages)
P16 ‘GP In debounce time’ -
sets the debounce value for all GP Inputs
available values – 1 to 995 in 5mS steps – default =20 (value shown in milliseconds approx)
P17 ‘GP In On vel’ -
set the On velocity value used for all GP Inputs when MIDI notes are being
sent - available values – 1 to 127– default =127
P20 ‘GP Out Midi rec channel’ -
select the MIDI receive channel for all GP Outputs
available values – 1 to 16 – default =2
P21 ‘GP Out message type’ -
set the output MIDI message type for all GP Outputs
available values – ‘not’ (notes) , ‘con’ (controllers) or ‘prg (program changes) – default =notes
P22 ‘GP Out 1 note number’ -
set the note (or cont or prog) number for GP Output number 1
(2 to 8 follow consecutively) - available values 0 to 120 – default =36
P23 ‘GP Out 1-8 pulse length’ -
set pulse length for GP Outputs 1 to 8 – available values
oFF & 1 to 250 – default =100 (values in milliseconds approx - see full description on next page)
P24 ‘GP Out 9 note number’ -
set the note (or cont or prog) number for GP Output number 9
(10 to 16 follow consecutively) - available values 0 to 120 – default =44
P25 ‘GP Out 9-16 pulse length’ -
set pulse length for GP Outputs 9 to 16 – available values
oFF & 1 to 250 – default =100 (values in milliseconds approx - see full description on next page)
P26 ‘GP Out CC data threshold’ -
set the data value at which GP outputs turn on when the
MIDI source is CCs – available values 1 to 127 – default 64
P30 ‘soft thru’ -
set whether messages received at the MIDI Input are echoed to the MIDI outs
-available values – on or off – default on