Limited 90-day warranty – Clearplay CP-427-USB User Manual
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liMited 90-daY warrantY
this warranty gives you specific legal rights. you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.
clearplay warrants this product to the original purchaser to be free from defects in material and workmanship, under normal conditions, for
a period of 90 days from the date of the original purchase.
clearplay agrees, during the warranty period, at our option, to repair any defect in material or workmanship, or to furnish an equal, new or
renewed product in exchange without charges, subject to verification of the defect or malfunction.
During the 90-day Warranty Period: for the first ninety (90) days from the date of purchase, if your product becomes defective or
inoperative, it will be replaced with a new, renewed or comparable product (whichever is deemed necessary). your cost is limited to the
prepaid cost of shipping the product to the customer service center. replacement products are warranted for the balance of the original
warranty period.
Who is covered? this warranty is extended to the original retail purchaser for products purchased from authorized Dealers in the 48
continental states of the u.s.a.
Limitations: the 90-Day warranty period is limited to defective or malfunctioning products. products damaged while in the possession of
the consumer by unreasonable use, improper handling, lack of maintenance, acts of nature (such as but not limited to lightning damage),
or due to improper packaging and shipping are not covered under warranty. products that are used for commercial purposes, or have been
modified or repaired by anyone other than clearplay, are not covered under warranty.
repaIr or replacement as proVIDeD unDer thIs warranty Is the exclusIVe remeDy of the consumer. clearplay Inc. shall
not be lIable for IncIDental or conseQuentIal Damages resultIng from the use of thIs proDuct or arIsIng out of any
breach of any express or ImplIeD warranty on thIs proDuct. thIs DIsclaImer of warrantIes anD lImIteD warranty are
goVerneD by the laws of the state of utah. except to the extent prohIbIteD by applIcable law, any ImplIeD warranty of
merchantabIlIty or fItness for a partIcular purpose on thIs proDuct Is lImIteD to the applIcable warranty perIoD set
forth aboVe.
the warranty stateD aboVe Is the only warranty applIcable to thIs proDuct. all other warrantIes, express or ImplIeD
(IncluDIng all ImplIeD warrantIes of merchantabIlIty or fItness for a partIcular purpose) are hereby DIsclaImeD. no
Verbal or wrItten InformatIon gIVen by clearplay Inc., It’s agents or employees shall create a guaranty or In any way
Increase the scope of thIs warranty.
What to do?
before contacting customer service, please check your instruction booklet and the faQ section at a slight
adjustment of the custom controls may save you a service call.
If you require additional assistance, please contact customer service at or (888) 425-3270.
Defective products must be returned to the retail store where the product was purchased for returns or exchanges, in accordance
with the store’s return policy.
Defective products that are not within the retail store’s return period can be shipped to customer service. carefully package the
product and ship prepaid to the customer service address listed below. proof of purchase dated within 90 days of the return date is
Describe your problem in writing and include your name, return address, daytime telephone number, and a copy of the store
when the product is received, it will be replaced with a new or renewed product, which meets clearplay high quality standards, and
shipped back.
How to get service on your product after the 90-Day Warranty?
out-of-warranty service can be obtained at a nominal cost for replacement and handling under the following arrangement:
contact customer service as listed above to obtain the cost of an out-of-warranty replacement for your product.
carefully package the product and ship prepaid to the customer service address listed above. Include a check or money order made
payable to clearplay for the service fee.
Describe your problem in writing and include your name, return address, daytime telephone number, and check or money order
made payable to clearplay for the service fee.
when the product is received, it will be replaced with a new or renewed product, which meets clearplay high quality standards, and
shipped back.
clearplay customer support
5284 south 320 west suite c134
salt lake city, Ut 84107, U.s.a.
tel: (888) 425-3270