Frequent questions on clearplay function – Clearplay CP-427-USB User Manual

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Q. If the movie blocking is set below r, will the player

allow me to watch an r rated movie?

a. yes, you can enter your password to override

movie blocking, or if you load a clearplay filter, it

will allow you to watch a movie that is above your

current movie blocking setting.

Q. why did the player allow me to watch my rated

r movie without a password when I had movie

blocking set?

a. movie blocking checks the DVD authoring to

block a movie based on the DVD rating. If the DVD

manufacturer did not author a rating on the DVD,

it may not be blocked by your movie blocking


Q. Do I have to create a password to use clearplay?
a. no, you can use clearplay without creating a

password. however, it is recommended that you

set a password to protect your settings.

Q. Do I have to have a clearplay filter loaded in the

player in order to watch a movie with clearplay?

a. yes, a clearplay filter for the inserted DVD is

required to watch a movie with clearplay. a filter is

not required to watch a DVD movie with clearplay

turned off, or normal play selected.

Q. will the clearplay DVD player filter any content out

of DVD movies if I don’t have a filter?

a. no, you must have a clearplay filter for the title

that you want to watch with clearplay filtering.

Q. If I have clearplay on, can I still watch a movie

without clearplay?

a. yes, if clearplay is on in the parental menu, each

time you insert a DVD, you will have the option

to watch the movie with clearplay or without

clearplay (“normal play”).

Q. what are the parental advisories on the filter?
a. clearplay provides you with additional information

to help you decide if a movie is appropriate for

your home. the parental advisories listed are

themes that you might want to be aware of before

watching a movie, including specific content that

might not be filtered, even with a clearplay filter

loaded. (see page 24)

Q. when I insert the cD or usb flash drive it says that

the DVD player memory is full.

a. If the DVD player memory is full, you will need

to delete some filters from the player memory

before you can add new filters. see page 23 for

information on Viewing/Deleting clearplay filters.

Q. where can I find out what clearplay filters are


a. clearplay filters are available for most popular

movies. you can look online at

to see what filters are currently available.

Q. how can I know if clearplay is on when I’m

watching a DVD movie?

a. If clearplay is on in the parental control menu,

at the beginning of the DVD movie, it will say

clearplay filtering on at the top of the screen. you

can see this message at any time during playback

by pressing the Info button on the remote control.

Q. how many clearplay filters can my DVD player


a. each filter is a different size. In the parental control

menu, you can see how much free space there is

available for adding new filters. your clearplay

DVD player can hold approximately 300 filters at

one time, but your clearplay filterstik™ can hold

thousands of filters.

Q. can I leave my filterstik™ in the player to access


a. yes, if the filterstik™ or other flash memory card

is in the player, each time you insert a DVD it will

automatically load the correct filter from the


Q. I have the filter for the DVD movie, but when I

insert the DVD it says there is no filter loaded.

a. make sure you have added the latest version of

the filter for your DVD movie to your DVD player.

you can press browse from the main player menu

to see what filters are loaded on your filterstik™.

to see which clearplay filters are currently loaded

onto the player, see page 23 for Viewing/Deleting

clearplay filter. If the filter is not listed in this

menu, get the latest filter from clearplay web site

and add it to the player. often new versions of

DVD movies are released. we continually update

our web site with the latest DVD releases.

Q. I am watching a movie with clearplay, but it is not

filtering content.

a. try deleting the filter from the player, then

re-downloading the filter from clearplay. If you

continue to have trouble with clearplay filtering,

contact clearplay customer support at (888) 425-


freQUent QUestions on clearplaY fUnction