Index – Chaparral K5312/K7313 User Manual
Page 151

Abort Initialization 4-14
Abort Verify 4-17
accessing the Disk Array Administrator
Add an Array 4-2
Add Host to List 7-16
Add or Name Host screen 7-14
Add Pool Spare 6-6
Add Spare 6-2
arrays 4-1
dedicated spares 6-2
pool spares 6-5
temperature thresholds for 7-18
turning on or off for the controller 7-18
voltage thresholds for 7-18
Alarm Mute screen 7-19
aliases, giving to WWNs 7-14
Array Statistics 4-11, 4-12
Array Status 4-10
array types
defined A-1
maximum number of drives 4-1
minimum number of drives 4-1
adding 4-1
bringing back online 4-22
changing LUNs of 4-21
changing names of 4-22
controlling access to 7-15
creating 4-1
deleting 4-24
expanding capacity of 4-18
LUNs for 7-5
mixing disks A-6
reconstructing 4-17, 6-1
resetting aggregate statistics 5-14
resetting statistics 4-12
status of expanding 4-20
status of verifying 4-16
stopping the initialization process 4-14
stopping verify process 4-17
trusting 4-22
verifying 4-15
viewing aggregate statistics for all 5-11
viewing read/write histogram 5-11
viewing statistics 4-10
viewing status of 4-8
viewing status of drives in 4-13
Backoff percentage 9-2
backup time 1-9
disabling 7-21
enabling 7-21
features 1-3, 1-5
specifications 1-9, 1-12
Battery screen 7-22
Blink Drive LED 8-10
blinking, LED of disk drive 8-9
Bus Paused screen 7-25