Philips CD 473 User Manual

Page 5

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Switching On and Off (ON/OFF)

Going back to the Beginning of a Track (PLAY/REPLAY)

Switching on - You switch the player on by pressing the ON/OFF
key. The TIME, min, sec and on/off indication light, together

with the full track number matrix and the IR emblem.

Switching off - When you press ON/OFF again, the player is

switched off. All lights are extinguished.

Loading and Unloading the Disc (OPEN/CLOSE)

Loading (Fig. 15-16) - You open the disc tray by pressing the

OPEN/CLOSE key. The tray then slides out automatically. The tray
must not be obstructed in this, otherwise it will stop after about

3 seconds. Should this happen, you should press the key twice

in succession to bring the tray fully out.

With your hand open, and thumb and fingers extended, take the

disc out of its holder and fit it, iabei side up, into the cradle in the
disc tray.
You close the tray by pressing the PLAY/REPLAY or the

OPEN/CLOSE key, or by simply pushing the front of the tray with

the hand. The best method for you to use is given for each specific

In all cases, the tray slides in automatically. Again, the tray must

not be obstructed as it closes. Should this in fact happen, the tray

stops, and you must press OPEN/CLOSE to slide the tray out

If the Err Indication appears after the tray is closed, it means that

you have loaded the disc upside-down or forgotten to load the

disc at all, or that the disc is dirty, badly scratched or otherwise

Unioading - You open the disc tray by pressing OPEN/CLOSE.

When unloading, hold the disc in the same way as when loading,
this avoids soiling.

Close an empty tray by pushing the front of the tray with the hand

or by pressing OPEN/CLOSE.

To prevent the ingress of dust, avoid leaving the tray standing

Avoid opening the tray during play also, unless your intention is

to stop the disc.

Changing to Track Number Indication (TRACK TIME)

if you want the track number indication above TRACK and INDEX

Instead of the playing time indication - which you get automatically
after switching on - you can at any time press the TRACK TIME


To return to playing time indication you have to press TRACK
TIME again. Selection of the track number indication is also

cancelled when the player is switched off.

Playing the Complete Disc (PLAY/REPLAY)

If you simply want to play the whole disc, close the tray by pressing

the PLAY/REPLAY key. Once the contents list on the disc has

been read:

• the track number matrix shows how many tracks the disc


• the ’1’ of the track number matrix starts flashing,

• the display also indicates ’T,
• and play begins simultaneously with the display of elapsed
playing time under min and sec.

Each time a track finishes, the corresponding number of the track

number matrix goes off and the following number starts flashing:
at the same time, the elapsed playing time display starts again at




As soon as all the tracks have been played, the disc stops. The
track number matrix again shows the total number of tracks on
the disc and the total playing time appears under min and sec.

You can go back to the beginning of a track which is being played,

by pressing the PLAY/REPLAY key. After the track number has
been briefly displayed, the track then starts again from the

Moving to Another Track (PREV. M TRACK >1 NEXT)

Any time during play you can select another track. This can be
either a following track or a previous one.
As soon as you touch a key to make your choice, the elapsed

playing time indication gives way to the track number indication,

although the TRACK and INDEX indications do not light up. When
you release the key, play is interrupted, to be resumed as soon

as the chosen number begins to flash on the track number matrix
and the elapsed playing time indication returns.

Seiecting a Foiiowing Track- Press the TRACK >1 NEXT key until

the desired track number appears on the display.

If you press TRACK >1 NEXT when playing the last track, the Err

indication appears, to remind you that there is no next track, and

play continues with the last track. If the player is in the repeat
mode, the Err indication does not appear, and play continues with

the first track.

You can also use TRACK >1 NEXT to get a quick idea of the disc

contents by listening briefly to the beginning of each track.

Seiecting a Previous Track - Press the PREV. M TRACK key until

the desired track number appears on the display.

If you press PREV. M TRACK during the first track, the Err

indication appears, to remind you that there is no previous track,

and play continues with the first track. If the player is in the repeat

mode, the Err indication does not appear, and play continues with

the last track.

Moving to Another Index Number

During play you can also change to a following index number or
return to a previous one. This can either be an index number of

the same track or an index number of another one.

To see which index number is being played, press the TRACK

TIME key. The track and index numbers being played then appear

above TRACK and INDEX.
As soon as you have made your choice play is interrupted, to be
resumed immediately the laser pick-up reaches the beginning of

the selected index number.

If you make a mistake by selecting too high an index number, the
Err indication appears and play begins with the first index number
of the track.

If you want to return to elapsed playing time indication after

making your choice, you must press TRACK TIME again.

Seiecting within the Same Track- Press the INDEX >1 NEXT or the
PREV. M INDEX key until the desired index number appears

above INDEX.

Seiecting within Another Track - First select the desired track

number using TRACK W NEXT or PREV. M TRACK. Then press
the INDEX IH NEXT or the PREV. M INDEX key until the desired
index number appears above INDEX.

Beginning at a Specific Track Number


Instead of the first track you can also start play with any other


in this case you close the tray with OPEN/CLOSE or by hand. The

highest track number you can choose is then stored in the player

memory, and cannot be exceeded.