Philips AZ8404 User Manual
Page 12
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Piiiiips sell tfiis product subject to the understanding that if any defect in inanufacture
or matenal shall appear in it v;ithin 12 months from the date of consumer sale, the
dealer from \*Лот the product v^s purchased \'лП arrange for such defect to be recti
fied without charge, provided.
1. Reasonable evidence is supplied that the product was purchased within 12 months
pnor to the date of claim.
Z The defect is not due to use of the product for other than domestic purposes, or on
an incorrect voltage, or contrary to the Company's operating instructions, or to acci
dental damage {whether in transit or other\wse), misuse, neglect or Inexpert repair.
Products sent for service should be adequately packed as no liability can be accepted
for damage or loss in transit, and name and address must be enclosed
facts about free service
When service is required, apply to the dealer from whom the product v^s purchased.
Should any difficulty be experienced in obtaining Service, e g. in the event of the deal
er having ceased to trade, v'ou are achrised to contact Philips Service.
These statements do not affect the statutory rights of a consumer.
If you have any questions winch your dealer cannot answer, please vjite to
Philips Consumer Refaiions, S P. 0. Box298,420 London Road,
CROYDON CR93QR, or« (01) 689-2166 Consumer Advice.
Please retain this card Produce if service is required.
This apparatus is made of high quality material and great care has been taken in its
Philips, therefore, gwe v’ou a guarantee on parts against failures arising from faulty
workmanship or material for 12 months after date of purchase. This guarantee is valid
on the condition that this certificate is completed and signed immediately on deln’eiy
of the apparatus. In case of failure ask your dealer for fuller information
If you have any questions winch your dealer cannot answer, v’ou may apply to
Philips Electrical (Ireland) Ltd., Service Department, Newstead, Clonskeagh,
DUBUN 14,9 693355._________________________________________________________
The benefits given to the purchaser by tfiis v^rranty are in addition to all other rights
and remedies, vAiii». under the Trade Practices Act or other Commonwealth or State
law. the purchaser or owner has m respect of the product
The Philips product carries the follovring vrarranties
C-series HiR-systems 12 months. Compact Disc Players: 12 months Home Audio
Systems' 6 months Clock radios, portable radios, cassette recorders, cassette players
and radio recorders. 90 days.
Any defect m materials or vrorkmanship occurring within the specified period from the
date of delivery, will be rectified free of charge by the retailer from vAorn this product
V/3S purchased
Note: Please retain your purchase docket to assist prompt service.
Conditions of this warranty
1. All claims for v-iarranty service must be made to the retailer from this prod
uct vros purchased All transport charges incurred in connection with v^rranty ser
vice or replacement vrill be paid by the purchaser.
Z These v.^rranties do not cover batteries and extend only to defects in materials or
vrorkmanship occurring under normal use of the product where operated in accor
dance with our instructions
Philips Consumer Products Division, Technology Park, Figtree Drive,
Australia Centre, H0MEBUSH2140, New South Wales_____________________________
Thank-you for purchasing this quality Philips product. The document vxiu are now
reading is your guarantee card.
Philips New Zealand Ltd guarantees this product against defective components and
faulty wxirkmanship for a penod of 12 months Any defect in matenals or workman
ship occurring within 12 months from the date of purchase subject to the follovring
conditions will be rectified free of charge by the retailer from vAom this product v;as
1. The product must have been purchased in New Zealand, and this guarantee card
completed at time of purchase (this is your proof of the date of purdiase).
Z The guarantee applies only to faults caused by defective components, or faulty
workman^ip on the part of the manufacturer.
1 The guarantee does not cover failures caused by misuse, neglect, normal wear and
tear, accidental breakage, use on the Incorrect voltage, use contfaiy to operating
instructions, or unauthonsed modification to the product or repair by an unautfio-
nsed teiAnician.
4. Reasonable evidence (in the form of a sales docket or completed guarantee card)
must be supplied to indicate that the product vras purchased no more than 12
months prior to the date of your claim.
5 In tfie event of a failure. Philips shall be under no liability for any injury, or any loss
or damage caused to property or products other tfian the product under guarantee
This guarantee does not prejudice your rights under common law and statute, and is
in addition to the normal responsibilities of the retailer and Philips.
How to claim.
Should your Philips product fail vrithin the guarantee period, please return it to the
retailer from whom it vras purdiased. In most cases the retail^" vrill be able to satis
factorily repair or replace the product
However, should the retailer not be able to conclude the matter satisfactorily, or If
you have other difficulties claiming under this guarantee, please contact
the Guarantee Controller, Philips New Zealand Ltd,
В P.O. Box 1041, AUCKLAND -* (09)605-914
• Wat wordtgegarandeerd?
Philips Nederland B.V. garandeert dat dit apparaat kosteloos v.urdt herste'd indien •
bij normaal particulier gebruik voîgens de gebruiksaan'.Mjzmg - binnen 12 maanden na
aankoopdatum fabncage- en/of matenaalfouten optfeden
• Wie voert de garantie uit?
De zorg voor de utr.’oering van ds garantie berust bij de handslaar die u het apparaat
verkocht heeft De handelaar kan daarbij eventcesl een beroep doen op een der
Philips Service vestigingen.
• Uwaankoopbon + de identificatiekaarl
De identificatiekaart is ir.v garantiebe-.vijs. U kunt alleen een beroep doen op de bo-
venomschreven garantie tegen m/erlegging van de aankoopbon (factuur, kassabon of
kvwtantie). in combmafie met de idenfihcatiekaart vraarop typenumixer en senenum-
mer zijn vermeld. Uit de aankoopbon dienen duidelijk de aankoopdatum en de naam
van de handelaar te blijken Mocht het noodzakelijk z/jn deze documenten aan ir.v
handelaar af te geven, dan kunt u hem daaa-oor een cntv'angstbewijs viagen
De garantie vervalt indien op de genoemde documenten leîs »s veranderd, doorge-
haald, veavijderd of onleesbaar gemaakt De garante vearalt eveneens mdien het
typenummer en/of serienummer op hst apparaat is veranderd, doorgehaafd. vea'.7j-
derd of onleesbaar gemaakt
• Hoe te handelen blj een storing?
Om onnodige kosten te v-oorkomen, radenw/j u aan bij stonngen eerst nau-.vkeung de
gebruiksaanvrijzing te lezen Indien ds gebnjiksaanwij
«ng daann geen uilkomst b-edt,
kunt u mv handelaar raadplegen en/of hem het apparaat ter reparatie aanb.eden
...en blj Problemen?
Bij Problemen omtrent de garantie-uitvoenng kunt u zidi in verbmdmg stel'en met
Philips Nederland B.V. Afdeling Consumentenbelangen, Antwoord-
nummer500,5600 VB £Wg//0 V£W(postzegel met rodigl of « 040-781178
Philips-Gerate sind aus em;vandfreiem Matenal und mit groSer Sorgfalt hergestellt
worden Dieses Gerat wird ihnen gute Dienste Is'sten, sofern es sachgemäß bedient
und unterhalten wird Trotz aller Sorgfalt ist das Auftreten von Fehlem nicht ganz aus-
zuschlieSen In I^lle eines Defektes wenden Sie sutfi bitte unter Vorlage des Ein
kaufsbeleges und des Geratepasses an das Fachgeschäft, m we’^em S-e das Gerat
erworben haben._____________________________________________________________
Les appareils Philips ont ét^ ' hnqués au mo'yen de maténai« de toute première qual
ité et avec beaucoup de su-..s. Cet appareil vous donnera encore plus de safisfacton
si l'utilisation et l'entretien sont survis selon le mode d'emploi Ma'gré tous les soms
apportés, f'apparition de défauts n'est pas exclue Dans ce cas. nous vous serions
reconnaissants de bien vouloir vous adresser direaement chez votre vendeur muni du
passeport de l'appareil ainsi que de la facture s'y reportant____________________________
Gli apparecchi Philips sono prodotti con materiali di prima qualità e assemblati con la
massima ojra. Essi Vi offriranno un ottimo servizio, in cambio di un accurato uso e Malgrado fritti i nostri sforzi, non è escluso che possano avvenire dei
guasti In caso di difetto Vi preghiamo di rrro’gerVi al Vostro fornitore speciahzzato,
portando con Voi il passaporto assieme ai dccumenti d'acqmsto
In Belgié en Luxemburg geîden uitsluitend de garantiebepalmgen die in het door u-.v
handelaar verstfekte garantiebs'.vijs staanaangegeven
• Voor Belgier Indien u na de aankoop van een of ander Philips apparaat prob'emen
heeft met bijv de vraarborg, de werking, of het gebruik efran, en irdien da verdeler
die u deze apparaten verkocht heeft moeilijkheden cndeaindt om deze Problemen op
te iossen, steli uzidi dan telefonrsrfi of schnftelijk in verb ndmg met onze d/enst
'KlantenKontakt, deBrouckèreplein2,1000BRUSSEL-9 02/2119111
Pour les conditions de garantie en ßelg’que et Laxembourg veuillez vous référer à la
carte de garantie que le revendeur doit vous remettre
• Pour la BelglqaerSi aprèsTadiat de l'un ou l'autre appareil Philips vous a'.ez des
problèmes concernant par exemple la garante, le fonctionnement ou l'uîilisation de
l'appareil et que le distributeur qui vous a vendu ces appareils éprouve des diffioiltés
pour les résoudre, prenez contact, soit par téléphone, soit par écrit avec notre sea-.ce
'Contact Clientèle’, Place de Brouckère2,1000 BRUXELLES-9 02/2119111
In Ùsterrê'Ch ist die Gewährleistung für Vertrage zw.schen Händler und Käufer gesetz
lich geregelt Zur Geltendmachung des Ge.vahrleistungsanspruAes dient der Kauf
Die Osterre.chisdie Philips Industria GmbH unterstützt die Gevvahrieistungsverpfhch-
tung Ihres Handlers für Neuge/äte, die der Handei über die Österreichische Philips In
dustrie GmbH bzi.v Homy Vertrisbsgmbh bezogen hat dadurch, daß für den Käufer
innerhalb von 6 Monaten ab Verî^ufsdatum Funktionsmangel (Pabrikatons- oder Ma-
tenalfehler) in einer unserer Serwce-RI/alen kostenlos, d.h ohne Verrechnung von Ar
beitszeit und Matenal, behoben werden
Schäden, die durdi äußere Einflüsse, unsadigemaße Behandlung oder unsachge
mäßen Remdeingnff entstanden sind, sowie Gehausefehfer oder Glasbruch, sind von
dieser Zusage ausgeschlossen.
Philips Zentrale Kundênlnformatîon:
- 1101 WIEN, Triesterstraße64,9 0222-60101-DW1620oder 1563
- 6020INNSBRUCK,Klostergasse4,9 05222-74694
- 9020KLAGENFURT, Villacher Straße 161,9 0463-22397-DW94
Philips Service-Organisation: 1232WIEN, Ketzergasse 120,9 0222-8662-0