Money-back, Guarantee, Day money-back guarantee – Philips NORELCO CC5060 User Manual
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Full Two-Year
War ranty
n«tpt El«Kircr Софо^пол wttnm o>Kh new ЕЫр1 NcKTko product Model C0040 (exccpc cuiterv jnd conbi) 4|wnt de d IMPORTANT: Thn wjirjnty doei not cover dimite reitAre of nr jtuctvnent not provided v«h the product orimv Ы pirn or wt^>n( * Uve o< truulharued repUcement pertv wil vod thn warrere> PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA CORPORATION WILL NOT PAY FOR WARRANTY SERVICE PERFORMED 8Y REIMBURSE THE CONSUMER FOR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM WARRANTY SERVICE PERFORMED BY A NON-AUTHORIZED REPAIR SERVICE. •ГЧ order to obtun wjrranry iCTMce. umpl^ SO ’ > or>v' noretco or ий I-800-24)'X60 fixr ■ -‘^nce к n «Mgsntcd thM (» joor preceebort ^ return vh^rrenti of product tv reured mitt •eurwre prepPdi Otiraae occtermf durins thpment n »oi covered tv ocher умггагеу. wrnten or ora*, a Ajthorved IV FYulpi ElectrorKi North Amereu CorporatenTMwurrarvy^.--. •'ri rn()f not фр1|Г lojou. *Re«d encioied гпягмсмгп ctreRiK Muruljctured for I too Suwwr Street 5 th floor. Sumford, CT 06SOS-5125 (Jp jyrreel Oft»» producid ГЛ'-, .•'I:»*»«* i«ni ktfdbyLhderwnterVUberWrec'nL NereteH Í ":#«rnjlra 0 fnurt Nerih Aftwei Cerportoc". PHt..rC , j.ntenrd Т г » с 1Р1» а otrair-'.Ae PN« fv-.»—-- kj NV 0 200» M ilpv ttet»u4C \ North Wrerea CorporAen A i Ripn * PHILIPS ^NOnELCO 45-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE If you are not ^illy satisfied with your Philips along with dated sales receipt and we'll refund you the full purchase price. The Clipper must be shipped prepaid by insured moll. Insurance prepaid, and have indicoting purchose price and the date of purchase, enclosed. We cannot be responsible for lost maif.The Clipper must be postmarked no later than 45 days to verify the purchase price of the Clipper and limit refunds not to exceed suggested retail price. To obtain Money-Back Guarantee Return assistance. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of check.
wxhout chjrpe
MuOeni. miHoe or
the product to inv tMt the sper4r
tin Wiirr]ót> NOTE:
you ipec^ leBil nfKi jnd you me|r fuse other r^jfib wNch very
fiom tute to itite. Sorrw tut« do not cRorr the ехскмп cr Uttuten
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i'Apt Coceumer LFeAyte
A Омюл o< ЕЫрс Eteevonct North A/nene» Corporation
Norelco Hair Clipper, send the product back
the original sales receipt,
after the date of purchase. Philips Norelco
reserves the right
Authorization Form, call 1-800-243-3050 for