Chapter 1 introduction, Conventions used in this documentation, Chapter 1 – Interlogix TruPortal User Guide User Manual

Page 9: Introduction

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TruPortal Import/Export Wizard User Guide




This document describes how to use the


Import/Export Wizard to:

Import persons and credentials data from an existing database (for example, a human resources
system or another access control system) in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.

Export persons and credentials data in CSV format.

Delete persons and credentials data in batch mode.

Export events that provide an historical record of activity, as tracked by TruPortal.


The Import/Export Wizard is not compatible with Microsoft





Conventions Used in this Documentation

The text in this manual is formatted to make it easy to identify what is being described.

Where a term is defined, the word is represented in italics.

Field names are shown in bold.

Menus and menu choices are shown in

bold italics

. All menu choices have accelerator keys, that

can be used to select the menu choices using the keyboard. The underlined letter represents the
accelerator key for that menu item. Accelerator keys are written, for example, , .

Keyboard keys are represented in angle brackets. For example: , .

Keyboard key combinations are written in two ways:

+ means hold down the first key and press the second

, means press the first key, then press the second

Buttons on the screen are represented in square brackets; for example: [Modify], [Cancel].