Terminal setup, Rs-232 console – Interlogix GE-DS-82-PoE User Manual
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Terminal Setup
There are three ways to access and setup your switch. They are:
• RS-232
• Telnet
Web Browser
RS-232 console
To configure the system, connect a serial cable to a COM port on a PC or
notebook computer and to the serial (console) port of the GE-DS-82
Managed Switch. The console port of the Managed Switch is DCE already,
so that you can connect the console port directly through PC without the
need of Null Modem.
Figure 1: Terminal setup diagram
PC / Workstation with terminal
emulation software
Managed switch
Serial port
Serial port 115200,8,n,1
A terminal program is required to make the software connection to the GE-
DS-82 and the GE-DS-82-PoE Managed Switch. Window’s Hyper Terminal
program is a good choice. The Hyper Terminal program can be accessed
from the Start menu.
1. Click
START, then Programs/ Accessories and then Hyper Terminal.
2. When
COM1 Properties window appears, configure the COM port
with the following parameters and then click the OK button.
• Baud :
• Parity :
• Data
bits :
• Stop
bits : 1
• Flow
Control :
P/N 1069669-EN • REV 1.01 • ISS 19AUG10
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