I.C.E. HTDM Food Process Unit User Manual

Page 34

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Saving a ICECON II Program

Once a HTDM has been configure and all the combustion points have
been set (these will vary from unit to unit) it is time to save an
electronic copy. Activate the file pull down and click “Save as”.
A new screen will pop up displaying the directory in which the
file will be saved, the type of file being saved (*.ice…..don’t
change this) and the name of the file to be saved. Change the
name of the file to something meaningful (job number for example).
Click the save button and the file has been saved. This should be

done whenever working on a unit that has been in operation and
should be used as a base line for adjustments.

Uploading a ICECON II File to a Controller

Connect the computer to the ICECON II controller and establish
communication. At this time the program that has been stored in
the controller will be displayed. To load an existing program

open the “File” pull down menu and click the “Open” function.
Locate the file to be loaded and select it. At this time the
program to be loaded is displayed on the ICECON interface screen.
To upload this to the board click the “Write” button. This will
overwrite the information stored with the program displayed on the
interface. To confirm that the information has been uploaded
press the “Read” button and the stored information will be
displayed. Some programs may not be compatible and will cause the

“Board not communicating” to be displayed. Try an alternate

Error Codes of the ICECON II Controller

1. High Limit Error. The high limit error will occur when the

discharge sensor detects a temperature above the upper limit
set point. A false high limit trip can occur when the
discharge sensor in not connected, as an open circuit in will

default the temperature reading to 281


F. This is

characterized by the system entering heat cycle, purging,
lighting and approximately 5 seconds after main flame has
proven, locking out on high limit.

2. Low Limit Error. This occurs when the discharge sensor

detects a temperature below the low limit set point. A false
reading can be created if there is continuity (i.e. a dead

short) between terminals J2-13 and J2-15. In this case the