I.C.E. HTDM Food Process Unit User Manual

Page 31

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3. Mod/std. This when checked activates the internal modulation

control routines. When checked the system will not respond
to a BMS signal.

4. Space Override. When checked the ICECON controller will

monitor terminals J3-20 and J3-21 for continuity. When
continuity is detected the system will ramp to full fire and
remain at this point, regardless of discharge temperature,
until continuity is lost.

5. Standby Mode. When checked the ICECON II controller will

operate in both heating and non-heating modes. To enter a
heating cycle 24 Vac must be present on terminal J2-12. When
not checked board is only to be power during a heating cycle.

6. System Fan on in Standby. Once checked the output on J1-5

will be energized in both “Standby” and “Heat” modes. A
delay will be experienced during transitions between the two

7. Low Limit. When checked the low limit sensing routines are

energized. During “Heat Mode” if a temperature is sensed
below the low limit set point the J1-5 output will be
deenergized. The is a non-adjustable 3-minute delay upon

initiation of a heat cycle.

Set Points

Located beneath the ICECON logo are six set points. They are as

1. Discharge Temperature. This box is used to introduce a

positive offset from the RSP set point. It is used for
calibration of the discharge sensor and in the event that no
RSP is being used will indicate the temperature to be

2. Upper Limit. This temperature is the set point at which the

ICECON II controller will de-energize J1-3 (Burner on output)
to shut off the heat when the discharge sensor detect any

temperature above this value. Once this has occurred the
unit will indicate “High Limit Error”.

3. Safe Shut Down. Upon tripping on a “High Limit Error” J1-5

(Supply fan output) will remain energized until the discharge
sensor detects a temperature below this set point.

4. Kp. This is used for controlling the aggressiveness of the

temperature response. The higher this value the faster the
response and greater chance of temperature overshot. The

default value is 70.

5. Ki. This is used to control the temperature response and is

an error multiplication factor. The default is 2.