GTCO Bit Pad Two - Users Guide User Manual
Page 22

Bit Pad Two 22
In Absolute Mode, the Bit Pad Two issues reports as absolute coordinates. Absolute
coordinates are measured relative to the tablet origin. Reports issued from out-of-prox are
repeats of the last valid coordinate pair.
NOTE: When reports are in binary format and the data tablet is in Absolute Mode, the
maximum reportable value is 4095. (Reports in ASCII BCD format have no restrictions.)
Reports larger than this are detailed as the maximum value (4095). This, in effect, restricts
the resolution setting to 254 lpi if you want the entire Bit Pad Two active area (11” x 11”)
available for digitizing. Higher resolutions can be used; however, the active area shrinks
accordingly. The following table specifies the maximum length of each active area’s axis
from the tablet origin for resolutions higher than 254 lpi:
Relative Mode
Switch Setting:
In Relative Mode, the Bit Pad Two issues reports as relative coordinates. Relative
coordinates are measured relative to the last issued report, not the tablet origin.
In Relative Mode, reports can have positive or negative values. Reports issued while the
cursor or stylus is out-of-prox are zero.
NOTE: When the data tablet is in Relative Mode, the maximum negative coordinate that
can be reported is restricted. In the binary format, the maximum reportable value is 2047.
In the ASCII BCD format, the maximum reportable value is 999. Reports larger than these
values are detailed as the maximum value. (Positive coordinates are not restricted.)