Great Planes SU-31 3D ARF - GPMA1412 User Manual

Page 39

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9. Put the cowl back onto the fuse along with the cowl

alignment jig. Use the jig to set the position of the cowl
and realign the colors on the cowl with the covering on the
fuse. Measure 5" [127mm] along the lines on the tape and
mark the locations of the center of each mounting block
onto the cowl. (Having a helper with this step will make the
procedure easier.)

10. Drill 3/32" [2.4mm] holes through the cowl and into

the cowl mounting blocks at the marks you made. Remove
the cowl and enlarge the holes in the cowl using a 7/64"
[2.8mm] bit. This will prevent the cowl from splitting when
the cowl mounting screws are installed. Thread a #4 x 1/2"
[13mm] screw into each mounting block and remove it. Apply
a couple drops of thin CA to each hole to harden the wood.
Using the template you made in step 1, make the necessary
cutouts in the cowl (cooling hole and exhaust exit, glow plug
access, needle valve access, etc.), using a rotary tool. Bolt
the muffl er to the engine and install the cowl onto the fuse
using six #4 x 1/2" [13mm] self-tapping screws and six #4
fl at washers.

Install the Canopy Hatch

1. Glue the 1/4" [6mm] canopy hatch dowels into the front

of the canopy hatch so half of them protrude beyond the front
of the hatch.

2. Trim the covering from the canopy hatch mounting

holes in the fuse.

3. Glue a #4 fl at washer to each of the four 4-40 x 3/4"

[19mm] SHCS used to mount the canopy hatch to the fuse.
Gluing the washers in place will prevent them from falling into
the fuse when removing the screws. Put the canopy hatch in
place and use the screws to secure it.