Great Planes SU-31 3D ARF - GPMA1412 User Manual
Page 32

Install the Rudder Servos in the
Forward Position
This is the recommended installation for glow engines.
1. Secure a 6" [152mm] servo extension to each rudder
servo. Position the rudder servos into the servo tray as shown
and mark the mounting hole locations. Drill a 1/16" [1.6mm]
hole through the mounting holes of each servo. Install and
remove a mounting screw from each hole and apply a couple
drops of thin CA into the holes to harden the wood. After
the glue has hardened, install the servos into the openings
with the servo splines towards the front of the plane using
the hardware that came with your servos. Center the servos
using your radio system.
2. Trim the covering from the rudder cable exit slots that
are located beneath the stab.
3. Locate the plywood mounting plates beneath the
covering on both sides of the rudder. Place a heavy duty
nylon control horn on each side of the rudder, positioning
them as shown, aligning them with the slots for the rudder
cables. Mark the location for the screw holes. Drill through
the marks you made with a 3/32" [2.4mm] drill bit. Be sure
you are drilling through the plate only! Do not drill all the way
through the rudder. Using a #4 x 5/8" [16mm] self-tapping
screw, install and then remove a screw into each of the holes.
Harden the holes with thin CA. Install the control horns with
eight #4 x 5/8" [16mm] self-tapping screws.
4. Cut the provided pull-pull cable into two equal lengths.
Thread a 4-40 nut and a silicone clevis retainer onto each
of the four brass pull-pull couplers and then thread the
couplers into four 4-40 metal clevises twelve complete turns.
Feed only one end of each cable through the hole in a brass
coupler 1-1/4" [32mm] and fold it back onto itself. Slide a
swage onto the cable over the short end, loop the short end
around through the swage again and crimp the swage onto
the cables using heavy duty pliers. The other ends of the
cables will be connected to the clevises after being installed
into the fuse.
5. Slide a 3" [76mm] piece of 1/16" [1.6mm] heat-shrink
tubing onto each pull-pull cable. Use heat to shrink the tubing
onto the cable. Slide the heat-shrink tubing down the cable
so that the center of the tubing is 17-1/4" [438mm] from the
clevis pin. Apply a drop of medium CA glue to both ends of
each piece of tubing to secure it in place. The heat-shrink
tubing will prevent the metal cables from directly contacting
each other where they cross inside the fuse which could
cause radio interference.