Great Planes Old Timer 40 Kit - GPMA0495 User Manual

Page 8

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1. Unroll the plan sheets. Roll them inside out so they will

lie flat.

2. The stabilizer and fin LE and elevator and rudder TE

are built using five laminations of balsa. These instructions
will cover two methods to build them. The first method is
quick and uses CA, but may be more difficult to sand a
radius on the lamination. The second method requires more
time and uses Aliphatic Resin (wood glue), but is much
easier to sand. Both methods work well and it is up to you
which method you prefer.

3. If you are going to use the aliphatic resin method to

build the laminations, we recommend that you cut out the
stabilizer/elevator and fin/rudder plans from the wing plan.
Pin the plans in a corner of your building board so that you
can continue working on the wing while waiting for the glue
to dry on the laminations. Cover the stabilizer/elevator plan
with wax paper or Great Planes Plan Protector so glue will
not adhere.

4. From the 1/4" x 1/2" x 7" [6.4mm x 12.7mm x 178mm]

basswood stick, trim and pin the elevator joiner over
the plan.

5. From one of the 1/4" x 1/2" x 30" [6.4mm x 12.7mm x

762mm] balsa sticks, cut the two elevator LE halves so that
they fit tight against the elevator joiner. Use 6-minute epoxy
to glue the elevator LE’s to the elevator joiner.

6. From the remaining 1/4" x 1/2" [6.4mm x 12.7mm]

balsa stick and a second 1/4" x 1/2" x 30" [6.4mm x 12.7mm
x 762mm] balsa stick, cut and glue the remaining frame to
the elevator LE.

7. From a third 1/4" x 1/2" x 30" [6.4mm x 12.7mm x

762mm] balsa stick cut the stabilizer TE to length and pin it
over the plan.

8. From the remaining 1/4" x 1/2" [6.4mm x 12.7mm]

balsa stick, cut and glue the stabilizer TE doubler to the TE
and the aft stabilizer center to the TE doubler.

9. Trim and glue the 1/4" x 3" x 4" [6.4mm x 76.2mm x

102mm] balsa stabilizer center to the aft stabilizer center.

10. Pin the die-cut 1/8" [3.2mm] balsa bending jigs in

position over the stab/elevator plan.

This is where you have a choice on how you are going to
proceed: The CA or aliphatic resin method or if you have
another favorite method to laminate LE and TE’s.

Make the Outer Frame Laminations

Build the Stabilizer & Elevator