Great Planes Gee Bee ARF - GPMA1326 User Manual
Page 23

10. Locate the tailwheel assembly. Trial fit the nylon
bearing into the slot you have cut. Adjust the slot as needed
until the nylon bearing fits into the slot.
11. Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the ends
of the nylon bearing to prevent glue from getting into the
nylon bearing and the tailwheel wire. Glue the nylon bearing
into the slot in the fuselage with 6-minute epoxy.
12. On the leading edge of the rudder measure up from the
bottom of the rudder 1" [25mm] and make a mark. On this
mark drill a 7/64" [2.8mm] hole into the leading edge of the
rudder. Make a 1/8" [3mm] slot 1/8" [3mm] deep in the leading
edge of the rudder from this hole to the bottom of the rudder.
13. Trial fit the rudder by sliding the rudder onto the
tailwheel wire. The nylon bearing should fit into the slot you
have cut in the rudder. Adjust the slot as needed until the
leading edge of the rudder is in contact with the trailing edge
of the fuselage. Remove the rudder and put a couple of
drops of thin CA into the hole to harden the wood. After the
glue has cured re-insert the rudder onto the tailwheel wire to
be sure everything still fits well.
14. Install three CA hinges using the same method as
used for the ailerons. Mix a small amount of 6-minute epoxy.
Work some epoxy into the hole you drilled in the rudder. Slide
the rudder onto the tailwheel wire and the hinges. When you
are satisfied with the fit apply 6 drops of CA glue to each
hinge. Be careful not to let the glue run onto the fuselage.
15. Install a 4-40 set screw into each of the two 1/8"
[3mm] wheel collars. Slide a wheel collar onto the tailwheel
wire, then the tailwheel followed by another wheel collar.
Tighten the set screws in the wheel collars, centering the
tailwheel between them. Filing flat spots on the wire where
the wheel collars contact the wire will make a more secure
installation for the wheel collars.
16. Locate the left and right elevator halves. On one side
of each elevator you can see the outline of a hardwood plate