Great Planes Gee Bee ARF - GPMA1326 User Manual
Page 13
sanding, clean the area with rubbing alcohol. Mix 1/4 ounce
[2 drams] of 6-minute epoxy and some microballoon filler.
Add enough filler to make it difficult for the epoxy to run.
Glue the plates inside each of the wheel pants, referencing
the marks you made. You can hold the plates in place with
small clamps. You might find it easier to glue the plates in
one at a time rather than trying to do them together.
❏ ❏
11. Install the wheel and axle onto the landing gear
wire. Tighten the axle set screw. This should leave a small
mark in the paint. Remove the wheel and axle. File a flat
spot on the mark so that the axle will not rotate on the
landing gear wire.
❏ ❏
12. Permanently install the axle and wheel to the
landing gear wire. File a flat spot on the wire where the 5/32"
[4mm] wheel collar will be located. Install a 5-32" [4mm]
wheel collar onto the axle to lock the wheel to the axle.
13. Repeat steps 1-12 for the other landing gear and
wheel pant.
1. Locate the fiberglass belly pan. Mark the center of the
belly pan on the face of the belly pan. Cut a notch 5/16" x 5/16"
[7.9mm x 7.9mm] on the centerline. This will provide clearance
for the belly pan to fit over the leading edge of the wing. Trim
the sides of the belly pan on the “cut” lines.
2. Install the wing onto the fuselage. Place the belly pan
in position on the wing. Transfer the location for the wing
bolts to the belly pan. Cut 1/2" [13mm] clearance holes in the
belly pan for the head of the wing bolts.
3. Place the belly pan back onto the fuselage. Using a
fine line marker, draw the outline of the belly pan flanges
onto the bottom of the wing.
Install the Belly Pan