Great Planes Fokker Dr.1 WWI ARF - GPMA1142 User Manual

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The Fokker DR-1 EP ARF is a great-fl ying model that fl ies
smoothly and predictably. The Fokker DR-1 EP ARF does
not, however, possess the self-recovery characteristics of a
primary R/C trainer and should be fl own only by experienced
R/C pilots.

while fl ying, you notice an alarming or unusual sound such
as a low pitched “buzz,” this may indicate control surface
fl utter. Flutter occurs when a control surface (such as an
aileron or elevator) or a fl ying surface (such as a wing or
stab) rapidly vibrates up and down (thus causing the noise).
In extreme cases, if not detected immediately, fl utter can
actually cause the control surface to detach or the fl ying
surface to fail, thus causing loss of control followed by
an impending crash. The best thing to do when fl utter is
detected is to slow the model immediately by reducing
power, then land as soon as safely possible. Identify which
surface fl uttered (so the problem may be resolved) by
checking all the servo grommets for deterioration or signs of
vibration. Make certain all pushrod linkages are secure and
free of play. If it fl uttered once, under similar circumstances
it will probably fl utter again unless the problem is fi xed.
Some things which can cause fl utter are; Excessive hinge
gap; Not mounting control horns solidly; Poor fi t of clevis
pin in horn; Side-play of wire pushrods caused by large
bends; Excessive free play in servo gears; Insecure servo
mounting; and one of the most prevalent causes of fl utter;
Flying an over-powered model at excessive speeds.


The Fokker DR-1 EP ARF has a tail skid rather than a
conventional tailwheel. This prevents you from having
complete control while trying to taxi. If your fi eld has short
grass or is paved, it is recommended that you set the airplane
on the runway pointed into the wind to ready the plane for
takeoff. If your fi eld has very thick or tall grass you should
consider hand-launching the airplane.

With the plane pointed into the wind, arm the motor as per
the ESC instructions and slowly advance the throttle. Apply
full power and launch the model into the wind with the wings
level with the horizon. Gradually add “up elevator” when the
plane picks up speed to begin a gentle climb. At this moment
it is likely that you will need to apply more right rudder to
counteract motor torque. Be smooth on the elevator stick,
allowing the model to establish a gentle climb to a safe
altitude before turning into the traffi c pattern.


For reassurance and to keep an eye on other traffi c, it is a
good idea to have an assistant on the fl ight line with you. Tell
him to remind you to throttle back once the plane gets to a
comfortable altitude.Take it easy with the Fokker DR-1 EP
ARF for the fi rst few fl ights, gradually getting acquainted with
it as you gain confi dence.

Adjust the trims to maintain straight and level fl ight. After
fl ying around for a while, and while still at a safe altitude
with plenty of battery power remaining, practice slow fl ight
and execute practice landing approaches by reducing the
throttle to see how the model handles at slower speeds. Add
power to see how she climbs as well. Continue to fl y around,
executing various maneuvers and making mental notes (or
having your assistant write them down) of what trim or C.G.
changes may be required to fi ne tune the model so it fl ies the
way you like. The Fokker DR-1 EP ARF will perform loops,
hammerheads, inverted fl ight and rolls.

When performing rolls you will fi nd that the rolls are more
of a barrel roll. It is recommended you are at a safe altitude
before attempting the roll until you have become familiar with
the characteristics of the airplane. Mind your battery power
but use this fi rst fl ight to become familiar with your model
before landing.


WWI planes like the Fokker DR-1 are notorious for their
poor ground handling. Your model has been designed for
maximum control without excessively deviating from scale
lines. This said, the airplane is a little trickier on the ground
than other models you may have fl own. We have specifi ed
a high and low rate for the elevator. For normal fl ying you
will fi nd the low rate elevator is more than adequate. You
might want to switch to the high rate for landing. The airplane
has a tendency to nose over. The additional throw provided
by the high rate elevator will help to minimize nose-overs
when landing. The Fokker DR-1 EP ARF has lots of drag
and slows down quickly when power is reduced. Practice the
landing procedure with more altitude fi rst, then try landing!
To initiate a landing approach, lower the throttle while on
the downwind leg. Allow the nose of the model to pitch
downward to gradually bleed off altitude. Continue to lose
altitude, but maintain airspeed by keeping the nose down
as you turn onto the crosswind leg. Make your fi nal turn
toward the runway (into the wind) keeping the nose down to
maintain airspeed and control. Level the attitude when the
model reaches the runway threshold. At this point it is best
to keep up the air speed and the RPM of the motor, fl ying the
plane to the ground. The plane will land best if you fl y it to the
ground landing fi rst on the main wheels and allowing the tail
to naturally settle as the speed decreases. Three point stall
landings will also work but are trickier to do on a consistent