Great Planes Extra 300S FlatOuts EP ARF - GPMA1114 User Manual
Page 14
5. Using a 220-grit sanding block, sharpen the ends of all
the 1mm [0.40"] carbon pushrods. This will make it much
easier to install them through the Z-bend clevises.
6. Use your radio to center the aileron servo. Mount the
double-sided servo arm to the aileron servo.
7. Slide a 1 x 55mm [.040" x 2-3/16"] aileron pushrod
through the clevises in the aileron horns and servo arms.
Adjust the clevises until the ailerons are centered with the
servo centered. When you have the alignment correct,
secure the pushrod with a drop of glue where the pushrod
enters the clevis. Keep glue away from the end of the clevis
where it pivots in the arm or horn.
8. Select two single-sided servo arms to fit the elevator
and rudder servos you are using. Insert an A1 Z-bend clevis
into the outer hole of each arm. Use your radio to center the
servos, and mount the servo arms so that they point straight
down with the servos centered.
9. Slide two E3 pushrod guides onto the 1 x 355mm
[.040" x 14"] elevator pushrod and slide the pushrod
through the clevises on the elevator servo arm and control
horn. Adjust the clevises until the elevator is centered with
the servo centered. Secure the clevises with a drop of glue
on each clevis where the pushrod enters it.
10. Using the pushrod as a guide, drill two evenly spaced,
2.5mm [3/32"] holes in the fuselage. Glue the bases of the
pushrod guides into these holes.