Great Planes Extra 300S FlatOuts EP ARF - GPMA1114 User Manual
Page 11
1. Insert A1 Z-bend clevises into opposite sides of two C1
clip-hinge control horns. Following the
Expert Tip previously
described, glue four hinges and a control horn into each of
the ailerons, using a 3 x 900mm [1/8" x 18"] wing leading
edge tube as a guide. The control horns should protrude
from the bottom of the ailerons (red and white side), and the
A1 Z-bend clevises should be on the outboard side of the
horns. Remove the tube once the glue has set.
2. Slide four C3 hinge retainer rings onto the 3 x 900mm
[1/8" x 35-7/16"] wing trailing edge tube. Position the rings
so that they align with the inner slots in the TE of the foam
wing. Secure the retainers with a drop of glue each on the
outside of the gap. Glue the trailing edge tube to the TE of
the wing.
3. Glue one 3 x 900mm [1/8" x 35-7/16"] wing leading
edge tube to the LE of the wing.
1. Glue the aileron servo into the F2 wing servo mount,
and glue the servo mount into the precut opening in the
wing. Slide the wing into the slot in the bottom of the vertical
fuselage. Center the wing using the notches in the LE and
TE as a guide. Once centered, glue the wing in place with a
bead of glue on both sides of the joint.
2. Locate eight D2 rod supports. In the following steps
note that four of the
supports will be used for the main
landing gear and four of the supports will be used for the
wing struts at the trailing edge of the wing, but all of the
supports are exactly the same.
3. Installing them up through the bottom, glue four supports
into the slots in both sides of the wing. Two of the supports are
at the leading edge (for the landing gear) and two are at the
trailing edge (for the wing struts). IMPORTANT: The holes in
the supports must be angled downward and outward
(matching the angle of the landing gear and the wing struts).
IMPORTANT!!! Before gluing in any of the supports, be
certain to read the steps all the way through so you will
understand how the supports go in.
Final Airframe Assembly
Assemble the Wing