Great Planes ElectriCub Kit - GPMA0156 User Manual
Page 25

33. From the 1/4" x 1/4" x 5-7/8" balsa triangle stick, cut
and glue three pieces to fit in the lower front corner of the
fuse. Sand the triangles flush with the bottom of the fuse.
34. Glue the three die-cut 1/32" plywood cowl screw
backplates to the inside of the fuse sides and top
front sheeting. See fuselage plan side view.
35. From leftover 1/16" balsa (use a piece from a die-cut
sheet), cut a 1/2" x 1-1/2" piece. Glue the piece to the aft
end (wide end) of the die-cut 1/8" plywood battery hatch.
Sand the aft end of the battery hatch to match the angle on
the front of the landing gear plate.
36. Glue the die-cut 1/32" x 5/8" x 1-1/2" plywood
hatch plate to the balsa strip on the aft end of the battery
hatch. The hatch plate should extend about 1/8" past the
aft edge.
37. Glue the die-cut 1/32" x 1/2" x 1-1/4" plywood hatch
stop to the aft end of the die-cut 1/8" plywood chin plate so
that it extends 1/8" behind the aft edge.
38. Position the battery hatch and chin plate on the fuse,
using the battery hatch as a spacer to determine the
location for the chin plate. While holding the chin plate firmly
in position, remove the battery hatch and apply thin CA
around the chin plate to secure it in place.
39. From leftover 1/32" plywood, make the hatch locking
tab as shown in the sketch.
DRILL 3/32"