Hook up the ailerons – Great Planes Super Sportster 40 MkII ARF - GPMA1042 User Manual

Page 9

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4. Drill a 5/32" [4mm] hole through both mounts where

the lines cross in the center.

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5. Drill a 5/32" [4mm] hole through the bottom of the

molded-in indentation in the pant for the landing gear wire.

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6. Fit the wheel pant onto the landing gear wire followed

by the outer wheel pant mount. Position the wheel pant on
the landing gear so the landing gear is centered in the pant.
Push the mount all the way to the outside of the pant. This
is the where the mount is to be glued to the pant.

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7. Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the mount to the pant.

Remove the landing gear wire before the epoxy hardens.

8. If you have not yet done so, return to step 1 and assemble

the left wheel pant the same way.

While the epoxy on the wheel pants is hardening, return to
the wing and hook up the ailerons.

Do the left wing first so yours matches the photos the
first time through. You can do one wing at a time, or
work on them together.

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1. Cut four 3/4" x 1" [19 x 25mm] hinges from the 2" x

9" [50 x 230mm] CA hinge strip. Snip the corners off so they
go in easier.

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2. Test fit the hinges in the hinge slots of the aileron and

the wing. If you have difficulty inserting the hinges, insert a
#11 blade into the slot and carefully move it back and forth
to slightly widen the slot.

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3. Test fit the aileron to the wing with the hinges. Use

a fine-point ballpoint pen to mark the wing and aileron in the
middle of each hinge.

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4. Separate the aileron from the wing and take out all

the hinges.

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5. Drill a 3/32" [2.4mm] hole, 1/2" [13mm] deep at the

marks you made in the center of each hinge slot to allow the
CA to “wick” in. Follow with a #11 blade to clean out the







Hook Up the Ailerons