Assemble the landing gear – Great Planes Super Sportster 40 MkII ARF - GPMA1042 User Manual
Page 8

6. Test fit the wing joiner in one wing panel, then the
other. Be certain the joiner is installed upright (the joiner is
angled upward for wing dihedral). Test fit the wing panels
together with the joiner. Make certain both panels fit well.
Make adjustments where required (it is possible that the
joiner may require slight sanding to remove slivers or excess
epoxy that may interfere with the fit).
7. Once satisfied with the fit of the joiner and the wing,
thoroughly coat the inside of both wing panels where the
joiner fits and one half of the joiner with 30-minute epoxy.
Making certain the joiner is upright, insert the coated end
into one of the wing panels. Coat the other end of the joiner
with the epoxy and join the other wing panel.
8. Wipe away epoxy that squeezes out from between the
wing halves. Use clamps and masking tape to hold the wing
together as shown. If you don’t have a clamp large enough
for the rear, use rubber bands instead. Be certain the joining
ribs on the ends of the wing panels accurately align. Again,
wipe away excess epoxy and do not disturb the wing until
the epoxy has fully hardened.
While the epoxy on the wing is hardening, go ahead and
work on the landing gear.
Although only the right wheel pant is shown in the photos,
both pants may be assembled at the same time.
❏ ❏
1. Refer to the photo at step 2 to see how the 1/8"
[3.2mm] plywood inner wheel pant mount fits inside the
right wheel pant. Use a hobby knife to trim a bevel along the
inner edge of the cutout (indicated by the lines) so the
mount lays flat inside the pant.
❏ ❏
2. Use epoxy mixed with microballoons or other suitable
filler to securely glue the inner wheel pant mount to the
inside of the wheel pant.
Refer to this photo for the following two steps.
❏ ❏
3. Glue together two 1/8" x 7/8" x 1" [3.2 x 22 x 25mm]
plywood outer wheel pant mounts. Glue together two
more mounts the same way. Use a straightedge to draw
lines on the mounts connecting the corners.
Assemble the Landing Gear