Final preparations set a flight timer, Flying motor safety precautions – Great Planes Kunai 1.4M EP Rx-R - GPMA1816 User Manual

Page 14

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5. Lift the Kunai with your fi ngertips to see where it balances.

If necessary, add nose or tail ballast to get it to balance
where desired. Note: With the 1200mAh battery pack and
no additional ballast the Kunai will balance near the forward
C.G. location. To get it to balance at the middle location
approximately .25 oz [7g] of stick-on ballast may be required
on the tail.

6. Also balance the Kunai laterally by lifting the model by

the spinner cone and by the fuselage boom under the fi n. Do
this several times and observe if one wing consistently drops
indicating it is the heavier side. Add weight to the bottom of
the wing (or inside the wing tip) of the light side until the Kunai
balances laterally.


Set a Flight Timer

The best way to prevent unplanned dead-stick landings or

damaged batteries due to over discharging is to use a fl ight

Given battery consumption in the range of 200mAh-per-minute
to 300mAh-per-minute, the minimum motor run time even with
an 850mAh battery should be over two minutes, so start out

by setting the timer in your transmitter to two minutes. Link the
timer to your throttle stick so only motor run time is counted.

Fly until the timer runs out and land. Note the total time on
your transmitter and recharge the battery. Divide the capacity
that went back into your battery (as noted on your charger)

by the time to calculate your average battery consumption
for that fl ight. Divide 80% of your battery capacity by the
consumption rate to determine your new target fl ight time.


Suppose you are using a 1200mAh battery and after you

landed the motor run time on the timer in your transmitter

was 2:15 (2.25 minutes). And it took 560mAh to recharge
your battery.

Divide 560mAh by 2.25 minutes to calculate an average battery
consumption rate of about 249mAh-per-minute.

Your limit capacity to use from a 1200mAh battery is 960mAh

(1200mAh x .8), so 960mAh divided by 249mAh/minute = 3.8

minutes (3 minutes, 50 seconds).

Maybe on your second fl ight set your timer to 3 minutes and
repeat the procedure to continue to log data for calculating
target fl ight times.

The more data you log and the more calculations you do

the more accurate your calculated fl ight times will be so
you never have an unplanned dead-stick landing or over
discharge your batteries.

You can use the worksheet on page 15 to record fl ight times

and recharge capacity, for calculating target fl ight times (as
well as average, in-fl ight current which is also useful data).

The second row contains formulas for the calculations for

that row. Row #1 is already fi lled out with fi gures from the
example given above:

Additionally, use a LiPo cell checker to check individual cell

voltage after each fl ight. The resting, non-loaded, individual

cell voltage after a fl ight should be no less than 3.7 V/cell.


Motor Safety Precautions

Failure to follow these safety precautions may result
in severe injury to yourself and others.

● Wear safety glasses whenever running motors.
● Keep your face and body as well as all spectators away

from the plane of rotation of the turning propeller.

● Keep loose clothing and objects such as pencils or

screwdrivers that may fall out of shirt or jacket pockets
away from the prop.

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