Ama introduction table of contents – Great Planes Fling DL ARF - GPMA1070 User Manual
Page 2
INTRODUCTION ................................................................2
AMA ...................................................................................2
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ..................................................3
DECISIONS YOU MUST MAKE ........................................3
Radio Equipment............................................................3
ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED .....................................3
Adhesives & Building Supplies.......................................3
IMPORTANT BUILDING NOTES.......................................4
ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS ...............................4
KIT CONTENTS.................................................................5
Parts Photographed .......................................................5
Parts Not Photographed.................................................5
ASSEMBLE THE WING .....................................................6
Install the Aileron Servos ...............................................6
Join the Wing..................................................................7
ASSEMBLE THE FUSELAGE ...........................................7
Canopy Removal ............................................................7
Attach the Tail.................................................................8
Install Rudder and Elevator Servos................................9
FINAL INSTALLATION AND C.G....................................11
Install the Throwing Peg ...............................................11
Set the CG ...................................................................11
Apply the Decals ..........................................................11
GET THE MODEL READY TO FLY ................................11
Check the Control Directions .......................................11
Set the Control Throws.................................................12
Balance the Model Laterally.........................................12
PREFLIGHT .....................................................................12
Identify Your Model .......................................................12
Charge the Batteries ....................................................12
Range Check................................................................12
AMA SAFETY CODE ......................................................13
Radio Control ...............................................................13
CHECK LIST....................................................................13
THERMAL FLYING ..........................................................15
Facts About Thermals ..................................................15
Thermal Soaring...........................................................15
Slope Soaring...............................................................16
Slope Landings ............................................................16
The Fling DL
ARF is a great way to have fun and try your
hand at Discuss Launched flight. This style of launching is
easy to learn and allows launches into thermals even if the
thermal is right above you. The Fling DL has few parts
enabling easy and quick assembly and will get you to the
flying field fast. Items required for assembly are micro or
nano servos, a micro receiver and a micro Rx battery pack.
The specific recommended radio gear is listed in the
“Radio Equipment” section of the manual. Have a friend
get a Fling DL ARF too, and you can have “first up / last
down” contests or compete against each other trying to land
the Fling DL ARF closest to a certain place...a spot landing!
Have fun with your new Fling DL ARF!
For the latest technical updates or manual corrections to the
Fling DL ARF visit the Great Planes web site at
Open the “Airplanes” link, then
select the Fling DL ARF. If there is new technical information
or changes to this model a “tech notice” box will appear in
the upper left corner of the page.
We urge you to join the AMA (Academy of Model
Aeronautics) and a local R/C club. The AMA is the
governing body of model aviation and membership is
required to fly at AMA clubs. Though joining the AMA
provides many benefits, one of the primary reasons to join
is liability protection. Coverage is not limited to flying at
contests or on the club field. It even applies to flying at
public demonstrations and air shows. Failure to comply with
the Safety Code (excerpts printed in the back of the
manual) may endanger insurance coverage. Additionally,
training programs and instructors are available at AMA club
sites to help you get started the right way. There are over
2,500 AMA chartered clubs across the country. Contact the
AMA at the address or toll-free phone number below:
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, IN 47302
Tele: (800) 435-9262
Fax (765) 741-0057
Or via the Internet at: