Great Planes ElectroStik EP ARF - GPMA1574 User Manual

Page 19

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R607FS 7-Channel FASST

2.4GHz Receiver

Outfi t your whole fl eet of planes with their own FASST
R607FS receiver, and you can pilot them all with one Futaba
FASST transmitter. You can also pair this receiver with
Futaba’s TM-7 transmitter module to update older Futaba
systems, including the 7U, 8U, 9C and 9Z, for 2.4GHz spread
spectrum advantages – without having to invest in a whole
new system. FUTL7637

ElectriFly Triton

2 Charger

Like the popular original Triton charger, the Triton2 offers
easy programming. But the adjustable charge current has
been increased from 5.0A maximum to 7.0A, and the Triton2
can handle LiPo packs with up to 5 cells in series. A cool blue
backlight on the 2 x 16 LCD screen makes for easier reading
in any conditions, and the rotating dial has been raised for
enhanced feel and more precise fingertip control. The Triton2
is more versatile too: you get alligator clips that mate onto the
banana plugs, for quick connection to 12V batteries or power
supplies. You’ll still be able to charge 1 to 4 cell lithium-ion
and lithium-polymer batteries, and peak 1 to 24 cell NiCd
and NiMH packs at rates you set to peak detection values
you choose – before discharging them at custom rates and
then repeating the cycle up to 10 times. GPMM3153

ElectriFly Equinox

LiPo Cell Balancer

By regulating the voltage levels from 2 to 5 LiPo cells to within
a very tight tolerance of each other, the Equinox ensures the
fullest possible safe voltage during charging – which means
more power and longer lasting packs! It can handle a maximum
current of 3 amps during charge or discharge (up to 6 amps
with custom connectors), and includes adapters for 2S and 3S
(7.4V & 11.1V) batteries and gold-plated banana plugs. Plus,
it automatically checks for poor quality cells, and provides a
safe platform for charging*. Choose from two modes for using
Equinox: connected directly to the cell in “Quick Balance”
mode, or in conjunction with a LiPo-compatible charger/
discharge in “Interface” mode. GPMM3160

*Equinox cannot be used with LiPo batteries which have built-in charge
protection circuits.

ElectriFly PolyCharge4

For convenience with multiple LiPo packs, there’s the DC
PolyCharge4. Each of its four independent outputs can
charge a one-to-four cell Lithium-Polymer pack. It’s ideal if
you don’t have the time for one-at-a-time charging – and
don’t want the expense and hassle of multiple chargers.
Each output can handle packs from 300 to 3000mAh. Set the
capacity, and PolyCharge4 will automatically set the charge
rate to get you started – and use light and sound cues to tell
you when your pack is done. GPMM3015