Infotainment system 49 – Cadillac CTS User Manual

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Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Navigation System (Includes Mex) - 2012

Infotainment System



Select Add to Address Book, the
navigation system copies the
downloaded destination to the
address book and displays the
new address book entry.


Select Back, the navigation
system cancels your OnStar
Destination Download and
returns to the previous screen.
The downloaded address will not
be added to the previous

Route Guidance Not Active

If an OnStar destination is
downloaded while route guidance is
not active, the navigation system
displays an OnStar Destination
Download Screen and operations
will continue as outlined in the
Using OnStar Destination Download

Route Guidance Active

If OnStar downloads a destination
while route guidance is already
active, the navigation system adds
the downloaded destination as the

next waypoint in the existing route.
All features such as Call and Add to
Address Book will be available for
the waypoint. Refer to the section
on Waypoints for more information.

Previous Destinations

Previous OnStar Destination
Downloads are saved under
Previous Destinations in the
navigation system where they can
be accessed or saved to the
address book.

Important Notes regarding OnStar
Destination Download:


If the navigation system is
turned off when the destination
download is attempted, the
navigation system will
automatically turn on and
display the OnStar Destination
Download Screen. The radio will
remain on after the download


If OnStar downloads a
destination and the address is
not found in the mapping disc’s
database and routing by
coordinates is not available, the
Go and Map buttons gray out
and routing will not be available.
Press the blue OnStar button for
further assistance.


The Call button grays out when
there is no phone number
available for your destination
and while connected to OnStar.

Map Destination Screen Functions

If the map screen is used to show
destination, it will have map screen
capabilities such as Go, Mark,
Zoom, Scroll, etc. The address is
shown at the top of the screen.