GIN Gingo 2 User Manual
Page 11

Attaching rescue deployment bag to the harness deployment handle
The rescue container of the Gingo II comes with its own deployment handle. This handle and its
strap must be connected to the deployment bag of the parachute. Connect it with the loop at the
side of the deployment bag when installing it into the Gingo II. If your parachute’s deployment
bag does not have the proper loop, please contact your parachute dealer or a qualified
professional to attach the deployment handle by sewing or to add a new loop in the correct
position on the deployment bag.
In any case a qualified professional must check the compatibility of the system; harness and
rescue parachute, when a rescue parachute is installed for the first time. After every repack of
the rescue parachute you can do this compatibility check yourself. Please observe carefully how
the professional installs the rescue system, so that you can remember the procedure when you
have to do it yourself the next time. This compatibility check - that means to test if the rescue
can be released from the rescue container in the harness - must be done by the pilot himself,
sitting in the harness hanging from a simulator. It must be done after every repack of the
rescue parachute to be sure that the rescue can be released without problems in case of an