Futaba 8JN User Manual
Page 12
•The receiver channel order is shown in Fig. 8.
Stick the channel tabs furnished with the set to
the servo lead wires for identification.
•Use an extension cord matched to the fuselage.
•Wrap the receiver in sponge and fasten to the
fuselage with rubber bands.
•Install the receiver so that the antenna wire is as
straight as possible.
•Mount the servo as shown in Fig. 9.
•Mount the servos so that the flexible wire,
hinges, and other steering mechanisms operated
Be especially careful when the steering angle is
•When mounting the landing gear servo, match the
landing gear stroke and the landing gear servo
horn stroke precisely so that pulling and pushing
are neither excessive nor insufficient.
•Install the receiver servo NiCd battery (NR-4H)
by wrapping it in sponge and attaching it to the
fuselage with rubber bands, the same as the
•All the servos can be controlled from the receiver
(direct servo control system) by applying the
signals form the transmitter to terminal C of the
receiver. In this case the transmitter current drain
will drop to about 1/4 that when transmitting.
Connect the intermediate cord with lug to ter-
minal C and fastening it to the side of the fuselage
as shown in Fig. 8 beforehand.
•All the servos, except the landing gear servo, are
designed and manufactured to the same standards
and can be used at any channel.
•Pay careful attention to noise.
This set is especially resistant to noise, but is not
completely noise-free.
The use of noiseless parts is recommended.
•When used in seaplanes and boats, pay careful
attention to waterproofing.
The servos are waterproof, but the receiver, con-
nectors, and NiCd battery are not. Place these
components in a vinyl bag and amply waterproof
the entire mechanism chamber.