Using the trainer function, Glossary of terms, Repair service – Futaba 6VA (6A) User Manual
Page 8

5. Using the trainer function
You can practice flying with the aid of another pilot or help
another pilot fly by connecting the SKYSPORT-6A transmit-
ter to another SKYSPORT-6A , PCM1024Z, 7UA, or 5UA
Series with a special trainer cable (sold separately).
The model is controlled by the instructor transmitter when the
trainer switch is OFF and is controlled by the student trans-
mitter when trainer switch to ON.
(Usage precautions)
* Never turn on the student transmitter power switch.
* Make the student transmitter and instructor transmitter set-
tings the same.
* Make sure the modulation method of the other transmitter
is FM (PPM).
The abbreviations used with the SKYSPORT-6A are defined
below in alphabetical order.
ACT (activate)
Means that a function is turned on. Its opposite is INH (in-
To activate a function, its ACT/INH switch is set to the ACT
position. If the switch is not in the ACT position, the function is
not activated^
An auxiliary airfoil at the left and right wings of an airplane to
control its rolling.
AST (Adjustable Servo travel)
This feature allows adjustment of the travel of the servo of a
certain channel. It is used when setting up the linkages.
ATL (Adjustable Throttle Limit)
This feature allows movement of the throttle trim lever that
operates only when the throttle stick is in the SLOW position.
It is convenient because it does not affect the HIGH side of
the throttle.
ATV (Adjustable Travel Volume)
This feature allows independent adjustment of the servo
travel in each direction. It is convenient when setting up the
D/R (Dual Rate)
This function allows switching to one of two deflection angles
while flying. The deflection angle best for the aircraft can be
set for one switch position and spins, snap rolls, and other
aerobatics that require a maximum deflection angle can be
performed easily by setting up maximum deflection for the
other switch position.
DIFF. (aileron differential)
This feature allows application of a differential to the right
wing aileron and left wing aileron when the wing has two aile-
ron servos. It is used to correct undesirable tendencies and to
compensate the roll axis.
ELV.->FLP. (elevator->flap mixing)
This feature applies mixing from the elevators to the flaps
when the fuselage has flaps. When mixing is applied so that
the flaps are lowered when the elevators are raised, loops
and other aerobatics can be performed cleanly. The mixing
amount should be adjusted optimally for individual aircraft.
A horizontal airfoil for making an airplane go up or down.
This is a mixing function that gives the ailerons a flap func-
It is a convenient method of mixing aileron operation and flap
operation using only two aileron servos at the wings. (Flap
operation can be performed without the need for separate
flap surfaces.)
FLP. (Flap)
A movable auxiliary airfoil attached to the center of a wing to
increase the lift at slow speed when taking off and landing.
With models it can also be mixed with the elevator and used
in circular aerobatics.
FLP.TRIM (Flap trim)
This feature switches the flap servo deflection angle between
normal operating angle and trim angle. It is convenient when
mixing the flaps with other channels.
GEAR (Landing gear)
This is for airplane landing gear.
Since the landing gear is normally extended or retracted, this
channel can only be turned fully on or off. It cannot be
stopped midway.
INH (Inhibit)
Means that the function is turned off (stopped). It is the oppo-
site of ACT (activate). When a function is not used, its ACT/
INH switch is always set to the INH position.
NOR (Normal)
Used to represent the default or normal state of a function.
For example, the servo reversing function has a normal side
and a reverse side.
In the dual rate function for example, this is the rate of servo
travel in percentage relative to the normal servo travel. The
rate is adjusted with a trimmer for each function.
REV (Reverse)
Represents the servo reversing function that lets you reverse
the normal direction of servo movement, or the setting posi-
tion of a switch (reverse position). It is used when the direc-
tion of the transmitter stick and the direction of servo move-
ment are opposite of the desired movement after the servos
are mounted in the fuselage and each airfoil and servo are
connected by pushrods, etc. The direction of movement can
be corrected without changing the linkage.
RUD (Rudder)
A hinged directional surface attached to the vertical trailing
edge of the tail of an aircraft.
TH (Throttle)
Used to controls the fuel at the intake of an engine. When it is
opened, a large amount of fuel is drawn into the engine and
the engine speed increases. When it is closed, the engine
speed slows.
A fine adjustment device that sets the deflection angle of
each airfoil for stable flight.
A function that allows two or more different channels to be
operated together in a linked or dependent manner.
For example, when mixing is applied from elevators to flaps,
the elevator servo and flap servo can be operated simulta-
neously by operation of the elevator stick.
Before requesting repair, please refer to this instruction manual
again and verify your settings. If you are still experiencing
trouble, please request service as follows:
Your nearest Futaba dealer.
Repair information
Describe the trouble in as much detail as possible.
1)Symptom: Including the state of the set when the trouble
2) Digital proportional set used: Transmitter, receiver, and
servo model numbers.
3) Fuselage: Fuselage name and mounting conditions.
4) Your name, address, and telephone number.
Warranty contents
Read the warranty card supplied with your set.
* The warranty contents differ with geographic locations.
Makuhari Techno Garden BIdg.. B6F I -3 Nakase. Mihama-ku. Chiba 261-01. Japan
Phone: (043) 296-5119 Facsimile: (043) 296-5124
4 Studebaker. Irvine California 92718, U.S.A.
Phone: 714-455-9888 Telex: 23-0691227 Facsimile: 714-455-9899