Installation precautions), Connection of receiver, servos, etc. fig.9 – Futaba 6VA (6A) User Manual
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(Installation precautions)
When installing the receiver, servos, and other parts to the fu-
selage, observe the following precautions:
Servo travel
Operate each servo horn over its full travel and check that the
pushrod does not bind and or is not too loose. Unreasonable
force applied to the servo horn will adversely affect the servo
and drain the battery pack very quickly. Make sure that the
free travel range of each control surface or mechanism
somewhat larger than the full control travel (including trim) of
the servo horn. Adjust the servo horns so that they move
smoothly even when the trim lever and stick are operated si-
multaneously in the same direction.
Servo installation
Install the servos with the rubber
grommets and eyelets supplied with
the set. (FIG.8) Do not tighten the
screws too tight. If the servo case di-
rectly contacts the fuselage, the rub-
ber bushing will not serve its pur-pose.
Receiver power switch installation
When installing the switch harness to the fuselage, cut a rect-
angular hole slightly larger than the full travel of the switch in
the fuselage and install the switch so that it moves smoothly
from ON to OFF. Also install the switch where it will not be
exposed to engine oil or dust and dirt. Generally, install the
receiver switch on the opposite side of the muffler exhaust.
Receiver antenna
Although the receiver
antenna may appear to
be too long, do not cut it
or fold it back. Chang-
ing the length of the re-
ceiver antenna will
lower the receiving sen-
sitivity and shorten the
flight range. Generally,
"Install the antenna by stretching
it slightly with a rubber band, etc.
the antenna can be strung out towards and attached to the
vertical stabilizer. (FIG.9)
Receiver vibration and water proofing
The receiver contains precision electronic parts. Besides be-
ing susceptible to vibration and shock, the entry of water will
also cause erroneous and dangerous results and has been
associated with crashes and other accidents. Wrap the re-
ceiver in foam rubber or take other vibration countermea-
sures. Also waterproof the receiver by placing it in a plastic
"Use a rubber bushing so that the antenna
will not be broken by abrasion where it
comes through the fuselage and always
knot it inside the fuselage so that it will
not come out.
bag and securing the open end of the bag with a rubber band.
Do the same with the receiver and servo battery.
Servo horns
Spare horns are supplied. Use them as needed.
Extension cord
Use the servo extension cord if needed for your particular
Digital Proportional Frequencies For U.S.A.
• The frequency of Futaba digital proportional sets can be
changed within their own band. There are 2 different bands
for you to choose from (27 MHz and 72-75 MHz). Please see
chart listed below for specific frequency and its intended use.
Please note there are specific frequencies allocated for air-
craft only and surface only use.
• The frequency can be changed within the same BAND. How-
ever, Futaba recommends that you return your system to our
factory service department for frequency changing, as tuning
may be necessary for proper operation. Changing frequency
from one band to another is NOT possible.
Always change frequency flag when frequency is changed.
The frequency flag is to be attached to the top of antenna and
the channel designation to the base. (See Drawing)
• It is illegal to change crystals on 72-75 MHz bands in the
U.S.A. unless performed by a licensed technician.
Antenna Frequency Flag
The flag can be attached to.
and removed from. the
antenna with one touch.
Attach the frequency flag to the flag
holder as shown in the figure.
1 Slick the channel No. sticker
on the flag board.
2 Attach the flag board to the
antenna as shown in the
Frequency, Channel No. Flag Color For U.S.A.
26-27 MHz-Aircraft/car/boat
26.995 Brown
27.045 Red
27.095 Orange
27.145 Yellow
27.195 Green
27.255 Blue
50/53 MHz-Aircraft/car/boat-Fcc Amature Licence required (2
and 3 channels not produced on these frequencies).
No. Color
50.800 RCOO 53.100 Black-Brown
50.820 RC01 53.200 Black-Red
50.840 RC02 53.300 Black-Orange
50.860 RC03 53.400 Black-Yellow
50.880 RC04 53.500 Black-Green
50.900 RC05 53.600 Black-Blue
50.920 RC06 53.700 Black-Violet
50.940 RC07- 53.800 Black-Gray
50.960 RC08
50.980 RC09
72MHz-Aircraft only
72.010 11 72.210 21 72.410 31 72.610 41 72.810 51
72.030 12 72.230 22 72.430 32 72.630 42 72.830 52
72.050 13 72.250 23 72.450 33 72.650 43 72.850 53
72.070 14 72.270 24 72.470 34 72.670 44 72.870 54
72.090 15 72.290 25 72.490 35 72.690 45 72.890 55
72.110 16 72.310 26 72.510 36 72.710 46 72.910 56
72.130 17 72.330 27 72.530 37 72.730 47 72.930 57
72.150 18 72.350 28 72.550 38 72.750 48 72.950 58
72.170 19 72.370 29 72.570 39 72.770 49 72.970 59
72.190 20 72.390 30 72.590 40 72.790 50 72.990 60
75 MHz-Car/boat only
75.410 61 75.610 71 75.810 81
75.430 62 75.630 72 75.830 82
75.450 63 75.650 73 75.850 83
75.470 64 75.670 74 75.870 84
75.490 65 75.690 75 75.890 85
75.510 66 75.710 76 75.910 86
75.530 67 75.730 77 75.930 87
75.550 68 75.750 78 75.950 88
75.570 69 75.770 79 75.970 89
75.590 70 75.790 80 75.990 90