Elevator -> flap mixing – Futaba 6VA (6A) User Manual
Page 7

This function lets you mix the flap and aileron functions by
using the same control surfaces (ailerons) and servos for
both controls. Two aileron servos are mounted in the wing.
Aileron operation is accomplished normally, i.e. left and right
ailerons moved up and down in opposite directions. Flap op-
eration is accomplished by moving the left and right ailerons
in the same direction. (Flap operation can be performed with-
out the need for separate flap surfaces.)
* With this function the left and right ailerons can be operated
differentially. (Aileron differential function). Roll axis can be
compensated in this way. With aileron differential the aileron
down deflection angle is typically smaller that the up angle.
* The flap control knob rate can be adjusted.
Connect the aileron servos to receiver output channels 1 and
6. Adjustment when CH1 is connected to the right wing and
CH6 is connected to the left wing is described below. (The
trimmer adjustment direction may be reversed, depending on
the servo mounting direction and linkage method.)
1)Activate mixing:
To activate flaperon mixing, set the flaperon ACT/INH
switch (DIP switch No. 8) on the trimmer panel behind the
battery cover at the back of the transmitter to the ACT (up-
per) position. To deactivate flaperon mixing, set the switch
to the INH (lower) position.
2)Aileron differential adjustment:
Adjust the aileron differential with the DIFF.RATE trimmer
on the trimmer panel.
First set the DIFF.RATE trimmer fully clockwise (to number
10) so that differential is not applied. When the roll axis
must be compensated after test flying, make the adjust-
ments described below. However, the trimmer adjustment
position depends on the direction in which the deflection
angle decreases.
* Applying differential by reducing the low side of the aileron:
Adjust between DIFF.RATE trimmer positions 0 and 10
(right half of trimmer). At position 10, differential is not ap-
plied. At position 0 (trimmer center), the reducing amount is
* Applying differential by reducing the high side of the aileron:
Adjust to between DIFF.RATE trimmer positions 0 to -10
(left half of trimmer). At position -10, differential is not ap-
plied. At position 0 (trimmer center), the reducing amount is
3) Flap control knob rate adjustment
Adjust the flap control knob rate with the FLP.TRIM trimmer
on the trimmer panel. The flap control knob operating direc-
tion can be set at the same time.
* Lowering the flaps by turning the flap knob clockwise (CW):
Adjust the flap control knob to between FLP.TRIM posi-
tions 0 and 10 (right half of trimmer).
* Lowering the flaps by turning the flap knob counterclockwise
Adjust to between FLP.TRIM trimmer positions 0 and -10
(left half of trimmer).
In both cases the deflection angle decreases as the knob is
turned toward position 0 (trimmer center).
4. Elevator -> flap mixing
This function is used when the aircraft has flaps or is using
the flaperon mixing function. This can be used, for example,
to deploy flaps when pulling up elevator. Cleaner loops and
other aerobatic maneuvers can be performed using this func-
tion. Adjust the mixing amount to the optimal positions for
your model.
The elevator -> flap mixing ON/OFF switch is at the right side
of the transmitter. It is turned on when pulled forward.
1)Activate the mixing function:
To activate the elevator -> flap mixing function, set the el-
evator -> flap mixing ACT/INH switch (DIP switch No. 7) on
the trimmer panel to the ACT (upper) position. To deacti-
vate the mixing function, set the ACT/INH switch to the INH
2) Mixing amount adjustment:
Adjust the mixing amount with the ELV.->FLP trimmer on
the trimmer panel. The adjustment range is -100 to +100%
(positions-10 to +10). The mixing direction can be adjusted
at the same time.
* Applying mixing which lowers the flaps when the elevator is
Adjust between ELV->FLP trimmer positions 0 and 10
(right half of trimmer). At position 10, the mixing amount is
maximum and at position 0, the mixing amount becomes 0.
Adjust the mixing amount to the optimal position for your
* Applying mixing which raises the flaps when the elevator is
Adjust between ELV->FLP trimmer position 0 and -10 (left
half of trimmer). At position -10, the mixing amount is maxi-
mum and at position 0, the mixing amount becomes 0. Set
the mixing amount to the optimal position for your aircraft.