Prepare the transmitter – Flyzone HCAA1960 User Manual

Page 8

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❏ 2. With the battery in place, lift the model with your
fingertips between the lines under the wing. Position
your fingertips where necessary to get the model to sit
level, or “balance.” If your fingertips are between the
lines, the Red Hawk is ready to fly.

❏ 3. If the model balances with your fingertips ahead of
the lines, weight will have to be added to the tail to get
it to balance. Tail weight may be stuck to the bottom of
the V-tail at the center. Be sure that any added weight
does not interfere with the operation of the elevons.

❏ 4. If the model balances with your fingertips behind
the lines, weight will have to be added to the nose to get
the model to balance. Nose-weight may be stuck to the
upper inside of the fuselage, just in front of the foam

battery holder. Stick-on lead weight may be purchased
from your local hobby shop.

Stick on as much weight as required to get the model
to balance when lifted by your fingers between the
lines. If you added any weight, recheck the balance.

❏ 1. Locate the antenna and screw it into the top of
the transmitter.

❏ 2. The transmitter that controls your airplane
requires power, in the form of eight “AA” batteries. To
install the batteries, remove the battery hatch on the
back of the transmitter.

❏ 3. Install eight new “AA” batteries, following the
diagram in the battery compartment.

❏ 4. Reinsert the battery holder in the transmitter
case. Reinstall the battery hatch on the back of the
transmitter case.