Flyzone FLZA2010 User Manual
Page 9

If anytime during operation the controls or propeller become
jammed or unresponsive, lower the power to the propeller,
land and cycle the power on the Albatros to attempt to
regain control.
Take off (or hand launch) heading into the wind.
Once in the air, gain altitude to allow yourself suffi cient
reaction time to make a correction during fl ight. Once you’re
comfortable, adjust the rudder and elevator trims one click
at a time so that the Albatros fl ies straight and level with the
control sticks centered. Concentrate on brief control stick
inputs of rudder so that the Albatros turns without causing
the aircraft to roll. A slight amount of up elevator may be necessary to maintain altitude going into a turn and the
elevator will need to be returned to neutral when coming out of a turn to avoid gaining altitude.
It’s recommended that you attempt to land before the motor cuts out due to low voltage.
Attempt to land into the wind by pitching the elevator up, slowing the descent and reducing the glide slope. Gradually
reduce the throttle and just before touchdown apply some up elevator to land safely on the landing gear and tail skid.
Un-power the model and switch off transmitter. Allow the motor to cool between fl ights.
With the transmitter powered and the battery plugged into the Albatros, walk 50' [15m] from the aircraft and check
the control functions for proper operation.
50' [15m]