Improving your piloting skills, Trimming, Good luck – Flyzone FLZA3034 User Manual
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Improving Your Piloting Skills
After you have made several fl ights in BEGINNER mode you can
try switching it to INTERMEDIATE mode. It operates the same way
as BEGINNER mode. However, the maximum amount of ascent
and descent are greater as well as the bank amount. A few more
fl ights in INTERMEDIATE mode should prepare you to turn off the
training functions and move on to ADVANCED mode. Remember,
in ADVANCED mode there are no limitations to the controls. You
will now be able to make quick turns using the ailerons to bank
the plane and applying up elevator to pull the plane through the
turn. You will also be able to execute loops, rolls and other basic
aerobatic manuevers. Take off in INTERMEDIATE mode and
climb to a safe altitude before switching to ADVANCED mode.
The fi rst thing you will want to do once you switch to ADVANCED
mode is to try out the recovery function. At a safe altitude use
ailerons to roll the plane on its side. Now reach up and pull the
recovery switch. The plane quickly corrects itself back to level
fl ight. Whenever you feel you have lost orientation of the Sensei
don’t hesitate to pull the recovery switch.
Once switched to ADVANCED mode, be prepared for the need
to add trim. In BEGINNER and INTERMEDIATE modes adding
trim was not necessary as the stabilization system would make
the necessary corrections for the plane to fl y straight and level.
In ADVANCED mode the system is no longer helping in that way
so you may fi nd the plane to stray from level fl ight if you release
the sticks. If it looks like it’s rolling or leaning to the left, then
add clicks of right aileron trim until it levels out. The opposite if
it leans to the right. Does the plane still seem to be climbing or
descending any at half throttle? It may take a few laps around
your fl ying site to decide that. If so, add a few clicks of up or down
elevator trim as needed. Rudder is more diffi cult to determine
during fl ight but if you notice any signifi cant drift in heading then
make the appropriate rudder trim correction.
If you have made any signifi cant trim changes (more than 4 clicks
of one or more trim buttons), do not switch back to BEGINNER
or INTERMEDIATE mode until after you have landed the plane.
When landed, unplug the fl ight battery and then reconnect it.
The trim changes you made will now become the new “neutral
points” in the stabilization system. Failure to reset the system by
cycling the power of the plane may cause the plane to no longer
fl y straight and level in BEGINNER or INTERMEDIATE modes.
With the training functions now off, you will discover that the plane
does what you tell it to do. Fly slow and stay high. Practice your
aileron turns and try some fi gure 8 patterns. Pitch the nose of
the plane up with some up elevator and try a full roll. When you
are comfortable with having full control of the plane, you can then
try out the high rate switch.
Some fi nal thoughts for the beginner pilot. Before taking off, always
have a fl ight plan, determine which direction you’re going to fl y, how
high, what you want to work on, keeping the plane level through
turns or fl ying coordinated turns with rudder (in ADVANCED mode).
You do not want to surprise yourself by trying a maneuver such
as a loop and fi nding out you were not high enough. Learn the
basic fl ying skills well. All maneuvers are based on having full
control of the plane. So go out and practice, practice, practice.