Remote panel option – FloAire DIRECT FIRED MODULE User Manual
Page 21
Remote Panel Option
The Remote Panel is a device used to control the operation of the heater from a remote location. This
unit is available in
a “2 Position” or “3 Position” configuration and with or without a cooling output. It also
will accommodate both the discharge temperature dial and the Maxitrol space sensing Selectrastat. It is
important to understand the following Remote Panel controls and uses:
1. Manual/Off/Auto Switch - Used to control blower operation and tempering mode of unit. The
position allows the unit to “decide”, through the use of the intake air thermostat, whether or
not heating is needed. The MANUAL position allows the user to control whether or not heat is
needed. The OFF
position will turn the blower off when a “3 Position” remote panel is ordered.
position will disable all temperature controls when a “2 Position” remote panel is
ordered and fan power is then controlled by the pre-wire package only.
2. Heat/Vent Switch
– This switch is powered when the Manual/Off/Auto switch is in the MANUAL
position. It is used to control the tempering mode of the unit. The VENT position will prevent the
burner from operating and the heater will deliver untempered air. The HEAT position will force
the burner on and the unit will heat the incoming air. This switch becomes a Heat/Vent/Cool
switch when the cooling interlock is ordered. This option provides a 120V cooling output from the
remote panel.
3. Lights- Displays the current status of unit features. The light definitions are as follows:
POWER - Illuminated when there is power to Remote Panel.
BLOWER ON - Illuminated when the blower motor is powered.
BURNER ON - Illuminates after pilot flame has established and main valve is powered.
FLAME FAILURE - Illuminated when the Flame Safety Control is in Alarm mode.
– (Optional) Illuminated when the Intake Filters are Dirty.
4. Temperature Control
– Controls the discharge temperature of a standard unit. The temperature
dial is replaced with a Maxitrol Selectrastat in Space Heating applications and is used to control
the space temperature.