Envirco NSF Biohazard Cabinet User Manual
Page 35

Aerosol: A colloid of liquid or solid particles suspended in a gas, usually air.
Ambient: Surrounding on all sides.
Biohazard: A contraction of the words biological and hazard. Infectious agents
presenting a risk or potential risk to the well being of man, or other animals, either
directly through infection of indirectly through disruption of the environment.
Carcinogen: A substance or agent producing or inciting cancer.
Etiologic: Relating to all of the causes of a disease of abnormal condition.
HEPA Filters: High efficiency particulate air filters. These have a nominal
efficiency of 99.99% removal of 0.3 micron particles from air.
Laminar Air Flow: Air flow in which the entire body of air within a designated
space moves with uniform velocity in a single direction along parallel flow lines.
Plenum: A chamber for conveying or containing air.
Linear Feet Per Minute (lf/m): A unit of measurement for air velocity.
NSF Standard 49: National Sanitation Foundation standard for Class II (Laminar
Flow) Biohazard Cabinetry. This standard covers cabinetry design to minimize
biohazards inherent in work with low and moderate risk biological agents. It does
not cover equipment included for use with high risk biohazards. It includes the basic
requirements of design, construction, and performance necessary for reliability of
function and safety, and adequate personnel and product protection.
NCI: National Cancer Institute.
NIH: National Institutes of Health.
Oncogenic: Tending to cause the formation of tumors.
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration or Act.