Energenics Kartwash Premier User Manual
Page 8

The Energenics Kartwasher was designed for low maintenance and long life. In
addition, except for the conveyor under the floor, all maintenance items are
assessable at floor level.
The detergent and sanitizer must be refilled as needed. There will be a message
on the LCD panel to indicate low solution conditions.
The electric eyes should be kept clean from dirt and debris. They should be
wiped off with a clean cloth as needed.
Periodically test the Emergency Stop buttons to insure operating safety.
Door & ejector wheels: Spray with WD-40.
Check the door air cylinders and auto ejector cylinder.
Check the two chemical pumps, the Pulsatron metering pump tubes have a
design life of one year.
Water Tank Float: Check the water tank float and float seals.
Inside the washing compartment, inspect the caulking around the base between
the fiberglass and aluminum. Re-caulk if necessary to prevent water from
entering between the aluminum flange and the fiberglass panel.